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Jermany's POV

"What have you done?"

His bitter voice awakes something in me, anger.

I take a deep breath preparing myself for the verbal battle ahead before I turn meeting his angry green eyes.

"What have you done?"

I stare him down, refusing to back down even as he slowly starts walking towards me.

"Excuse me?" He asks icily.

"You heard me, Shawn, what have you done?"

"What the hell are you on about, you're the one who just helped Paula escape."

So he saw that. I take another breath. That wasn't important right now.

"I was there Shawn, I heard everything and I'm disappointed."


"I heard your entire conversation. 'You'll kill her today, midnight.'" I say.

His eyes widen. "H- how..."

"I went looking for you but I ended up in your bathroom praying no one saw me."

"So you're an eavesdropper now?"

"Maybe I am. But if I hadn't been there, I would have never known. The way you spoke, It's that easy for you to take a life?"

"You don't know what you are talking about." He says running his hands through his hair.

"Don't I? You would rather kill me than let Eva find out you killed..." he muffles my voice by covering my mouth before pinning me to the wall. His green eyes move about the place before returning to my brown ones.

"Keep your voice down." He whispers before pulling me by the elbow. He pulls me until we get to another hallway, far away from Eva's. He releases my elbow and steps back.

"Just so you know I would not kill you?" He says and I hide my shock behind a humorless laugh. "I'm serious, I'm not willing to add murder to my list of offences." He says.

"But haven't you already, why is this different?"

"Do you want me to kill you?" He asks and I go mute. "Didn't think so." He takes a few steps towards me and I hug myself, it's a chilly night. "Listen, I need you to forget everything you heard today, okay? Just zip it."

"You're joking."

"I don't joke Sunshine." He says blankly and I shiver.

"I have to tell her." I say.

"Why exactly? It's none of your business."

"It doesn't have to be. You can't really be willing to die with this secret?"

"Why not? She's over it."

"You don't know that."

"I do. I know her, she's over his death."

"Who was he to her?" I ask.

Shawn hesitates before drawing in a deep breath. "Her son." He whispers.

I gasp. "Then she's definitely not over it."

"She thinks it was a stillbirth."

"Tell her, Shawn. It's the right thing to do. You might not know the difference between right and wrong anymore, but you have to know that what you did was wrong."

"You have no right to judge me, no one's perfect."

"I know that. But this isn't about perfection. How could you after all you guys have been through bear to live with yourself, bear to look at her everyday smiling knowing that you killed her son?" He turns away from me running his hands through his hair repeatedly. "Tell her, or... I will."

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