Thirty Five

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3 CHAPTERS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After this one, though :D

Jermany's POV

The moment the car stops, I jump out without waiting for Roy to turn off the car. I yell a "thank you" as I quickly walk inside. I see Big Tim ahead and call out to him.

"Sunshine, long time. Where have you been?" He asks smiling.

"Around." I say. "How are you?"

"Same old, same old."

"Okay, have you seen Shawn today?"

"Yes, he just got here about an hour ago."

"An hour ago?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah, he's in his office?" Tim says and I thank him before walking towards Shawn's office.

I arrive at his door and walk in. I'm surprised to find his office empty. But Big Tim said...

"Shawn." I call and knock on the toilet door, but there is no response.

Where could he have gone? I notice the papers scattered on his desk and conclude that he must have just stepped out. I wait here instead of going after him. I walk over to his desk and start arranging the scattered documents to pass the time.

I pause when I see a brown file with "Jermany" written on it. I pick it up and flip through the bulky file. He wasn't kidding when he said he knew everything about me. I smile when I see the mental health file he had on me. Part of me thought it didn't exist, but seeing and reading it now, I have to admit that even I would believe I was crazy if I saw this. My file has 2 other files in it; one for my mum and one for Hiram.

I place the file down and arrange all the documents. I'm about to place them neatly on his table when one file comes out of order. I attempt to put it back in, but I end up dropping all the files unto the floor.

"Oh, crap." I curse as I bend to pick them up. I pick up the stupid blue file that went out of order and glare at it. I flip it open and pause when I see the name "Steve" written boldly in red. I turn the page again and gasp when I see a picture of my father with a big red X across his face. When had Shawn made this file?

I turn the next page, and a white envelope falls out.

I keep the file aside and pick up the envelope. They address the envelope to the PHandC building and the date which they sent it is the day after I tried to kill myself. Normally it wouldn't be any of my business, but this involved my father. The envelope is already open anyway, so there is no harm in glancing at its contents.

I bring out the paper that's in the envelope; a letter. I unfold it and give it a quick once over. The salutation of the letter leaves me shocked.

My darling Sunshine; it reads.

This letter is for me?

My darling Sunshine,

I'm sorry for turning you away so harshly, but I had no other choice.
How else could I have fulfilled my promise to your mum and protected you?
You are very stubborn, my darling; you would've insisted on staying with me, which would have been very unwise.
I knew that despite my refusal you would still insist on staying, so I thought fast and did the next best thing; I lied and abandoned you.
Honestly, you are safer in that playhouse than you will ever be with me.
I have fulfilled my promise and protected you, I always will.
I hope you'll understand and forgive me after reading this.
Please do not look for me; we're better apart.
I will continue to watch over you from a distance, my sunshine.
I love you, I always have and I always will.

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