Twenty eight

229 17 16

Jermany's POV

30 minutes.

It has been 30 minutes since they untied my hands and feet.

30 minutes since the bruises on my hand, feet and mouth were treated.

30 minutes since I was handed a now still untouched glass of water.

30 minutes since I had been sitting on this chair observing a man who refuses to make eye contact.

30 minutes since I confirmed that he was in fact my father.

The entire atmosphere was weird. I had a lot of questions, but I would not speak first.

He hadn't spoken to me at all. The moment I called him Dad, he ordered them to untie me and then he walked away. He returned with the lady who nursed my bruises.

It's been 30 minutes since all of that happened.

He stands with his back to me, not moving an inch.

"You shouldn't be here, leave; immediately." A voice says, and I take a while to realise that it's him; my father.

"Wow, no "how are you Jerma?" or "Sorry I've been gone for 10 years of your life." Or maybe, "Why are you with some drug dealers?" "

He sighs. "You have to leave now, all those things don't matter."

His words shocked me. "Don't you think you owe me an explanation, Dad?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He groans loudly. "Don't call me that."

"What, Dad?"

"Yes, I'm not your father and you have to leave now."

"You're joking; I know you're my father. You might have "died" when I was 12, but that doesn't mean I won't remember you anymore. Why are you here Dad, are they making you do this?" I ask.

"I told you not to call me that; your father is dead and now you must leave." He growls.

"Why should I leave?"

"You must go, now." He says and starts walking away.

What the actual fuck!

I get up immediately and run after him, grabbing unto his arm to stop him. He yanks his arm away from my grip the moment I grab it.

"I'm not letting you walk away from me again. What is going on? Please, I'm so confused, Dad. How are you alive? How are you here? Plea..."

"What is wrong with you! I'm giving you a chance to leave, so what's your problem? I told you I am not your father, I don't have a daughter not even a wife so who are you? The side effect of the drug is making you act crazy."

"I'm not crazy and you're not getting rid of me that easily. If you aren't my father, then why are you trying to protect me? Why did you ask them to treat me? Why do you want me to leave here if not because you're scared that your boss will hurt me? I won't leave without an explanation, do you hear me; I won't leave. Who are they and what did they do to you, Dad?"

"There is no "they", why won't you just listen to me? Why won't you just leave." He says his back still faced to me like it has been since the beginning of this conversation.

"Why are you protecting them? Why are you protecting those who took you away from me for 10 years? Who are they, Dad?" he growls once I call him that. "What is wrong with you, why won't you look at me? What's wrong, just look at me. Look at me!"

He turns around abruptly and I flinch, moving backwards. "What do you want from me! You want an explanation, don't you? That's fine but no matter the explanation I give to you it won't change the fact that you can't stay here so leave!"

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