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Jermany's POV

"When is she going to wake up?"


"Hopefully soon, but she'll need her rest."

Rest, why will I need rest?


"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I should have seen this coming."

It's not your fault, don't cry.

"This is all my fault."

Why won't she listen? Why can't she hear me?


"It's been days doc, why hasn't she woken up yet?"

I am awake.

"Lets give her until tomorrow shall we, after all, she did get shot."

I'm fine, what is wrong with you people.

"I just hope you're not dead."

You and me both buddy, you and me both.


I turn around on my bed. My head feels heavy. I try to open my eyes but my eye lids feels like it is being weighed down by heavy blocks.

"I'm getting scared Shawn, it's been a week."

"Just stay calm Eva, the doctor said she'll come around soon."

"She better."

The voices in the room are blurred and it is giving me a headache. I can't move any part of my body. I try to sit up, enduring the pain that comes with the action. I groan as I finally sit up. I immediately regret that action as different types of pain hit me like a wave. I groan again.

"Oh my God, Jermany."

A hand immediately goes to my shoulders trying to gently push me down.

"Lay down, Shawn call the doctor."

His footsteps were heavy and loud as he exited the room. I flinch trying to cover my ears.

Why did everything hurt?

I try to open my eyes again but they are even heavier now.

"Stand back let me examine her."

I feel hands on my arm then forehead then neck before my eyes. The moment he opens my eyes I only see black.


This time when I wake up my body feels lighter. The only thing that hurts is my head. I sit up with minimal difficultly. I open my eyes and bright light hits me. My eyes adjust quickly as I take in my surroundings. I'm in a white room. I'm surrounded by beeping machines all connected to me. Next to me is a glass of water and a packet of pills; pain killers. I'm about to reach out for it when the door opens.

Shawn pauses at the threshold halfway through blowing the small white cup in his hands. Probably coffee. Our eyes meet and his eyes widen for a second before they relax. He just stands there staring at me and I do the same to him.

He breaks contact first coughing awkwardly. He slowly walks in closing the door behind him. He stands by the side of the door looking at everywhere but me while slowly sipping his coffee. This is so awkward.

"Hey." He says breaking the silence first.

I ask him the first words that come to mind. "What happened?"

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