Thirty Four

250 15 3

Jermany's POV

I twist and turn in bed. When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is my clock reading 11am.

A smile plays on my lips as the memories from last night come flooding back. I close my eyes briefly and hug the blanket to myself. But then I stop. What if by hugging the blanket to myself I'm taking it off Shawn?

With that thought in mind I turn around to check on him, but the sight before me leaves me shocked.

He isn't dead, and he definitely didn't bring me breakfast in bed; it's more shocking.

Shawn is gone.

He is gone and the spot he laid in last night looks untouched.

If anyone had walked in and I told them someone was here last night they'd think I was crazy; it's like he's vanished or something.

And he didn't even ask if I wanted to vanish with him.

I know I'm wrong, but right about now I feel like some unwanted one-night stand.

After lying in bed for 30 minutes hoping he will come out of the bathroom, I get up and start being useful. I hoped I would wake up in his arms with the birds chirping and some background music playing and you know fairytale shit like that. But I was wrong. He didn't even leave behind a note. I get up and pick my dress and underwear from the floor, putting them aside. I walk over to my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair is all over the place.

I pick up a brush and briefly brush my hair before looking back at the mirror.

I touch the red spot on my neck. It isn't a hickey; the spot is just red. I reach for my toothbrush and toothpaste but groan when I realise that the tube of toothpaste is empty. I roll my eyes and reach for a new tube in the mini cupboard while fetching a cup of water. Instead of tooth paste I feel something else and I turn my attention away from the water to the cupboard.

I gasp as I see the big pink shopping bag in the cupboard. How...?

I turn off the tap and bring out the bag from the cupboard. The moment I bring it out, I notice it's much bigger than I thought; someone went through some trouble getting it into that small cupboard. I carry the bag to my room and open it. The first thing I see is a note taped to a small square box.

Didn't want to wake you.
See you at 7.

A goofy smile plays on my lips. I keep the note aside and open the square box. The silver earrings inside the box are shiny and look very expensive. I place the box on top of the note and look into the bag again; all I see is fur. I bring out the white fur coat and hold it up; it's very soft, and it smells like lavender. I hug the soft fur coat to my chest before putting it aside. I reach in again and pull out a flat rectangular box. I place it on the bed and open it to reveal a blue shiny material; a dress. I hold it up, examining it.

It has a low cut square neck and 2 tiny spaghetti hands. I turn it around and the back has laces instead of a zip. The dress is long and forms a mermaid tail at its ends. I look at the tag on the dress and gasp when I see that it's designer. The name on the tag is too complicated to pronounce, but I know it all too well, it's the name of the top clothing brand in England.

Like I'm not surprised enough, I look into the bag and realise that that's not all. The last box has shoes; silver stilettos. The bag is that big. I can't believe this is happening. Judging from the bag's contents we must be going somewhere fancy.

7pm is still 8 hours away.

How on earth am I supposed to wait that long?

I pick up the shopping bag about to go shower when something falls out onto the floor.

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