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Jermany's POV

It's been a week now, and in the course of this one week my routine has been the same:

Wake up


Cry in the shower

Go to the cafeteria

Get force fed


Training with Eva

More crying

Lessons with Shawn

Beg for my freedom

Get rejected

Cry some more

Go to the cafeteria

Get force fed- again!

Cry until I fall asleep

Dream about being home

Then from the top again for one week.

"You're going to be having your first client tomorrow so try to sleep, no amount of make-up can cover the purple circles under your eyes," Eva had said yesterday.

Now, I was sitting patiently in Eva's room. I hated the girl I saw staring right back at me in the mirror. She is supposed to be my reflection, but this wasn't me, she wasn't me. Eva had curled my brown hair so much that with any slight movement the hair would bounce. My hair looked so shiny because of the excess oil in it. My make up was heavy, not too heavy but a little too much for my liking. My naturally pink lips were now a very shiny red colour. My lashes had so much mascara that it looked artificial. But all this wasn't what made me hate the girl in the mirror, no it wasn't. She had on a lingerie; a purple one. It was so tight around her bust. And the pantie was a g-string. She had on knee-length boots. I hated her for this. She looked like a whore, a slut. But all this wasn't what made me hate the girl in the mirror, no it wasn't. I hated the girl in the mirror because she had my face; she looked just like me; she was me.

Everyone was right about me, they said my past deeds weren't just a phase and that it was a part of me; they said it won't be long before I returned to my old ways. If only they could see me now. I didn't know how or when I started crying, but I was.

"You'll ruin your makeup and Eva worked hard to cover those purple circles, here." I look up at Shawn handing me a handkerchief. I hate this man before me, I hate him to a point where I'd gladly become a murderer. I looked away from him and wiped my tears away with my hands.

"It's all set, sir." French says walking in.

"Come on, let's go." Shawn says and walks away. French eyes me lustfully and puts a tongue ring I never noticed between his teeth. He groans and walks away.

I hate myself.

I follow them to a big see through glass. Next to the glass is a door. I look in through the glass and notice a bed and a man on it. I cringe at the sight. French pushes me towards the door.

"Get in." He says.

"Don't mess this up" Shawn says without even looking at me.

Eva just gives me a sympathetic look.

I hate myself.

I walk in slowly, trying to remember all Eva had thought me. I didn't want to be here, but I had no choice.

Shoulders high, eyes straight, feet crossing each other as you walk, move from side to side, occasionally lick or bite your lips and always play with your hair. Physical contact is necessary and remember to always smile.

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