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Jermany's POV

One week, it's been one week since I last saw Shawn Phillips. Since his outburst a week ago, he's been avoiding me like the plague. I've started feeling very guilty, that stuff in someway must be private to him. But why was it in my room, or rather this room? I've tried a lot of times to apologise to him, but he keeps avoiding me. I've spent my entire week worrying.

What if he is planning my death?

What if he is making some kinda master plan on how to get back at me?

I hate over thinking stuff but I can't help it; I've been thinking about that letter and Shawn Phillips all week. A knock on my door breaks me away from my thoughts. When I open it Eva is standing there smiling as always.

How can she be so happy all the time?

"Good morning." I say faking a smile and walking back into my room.

"What's wrong?" She asks following suit.

"I'm going crazy waiting for Shawn to strike, I don't know what he is planning but it must be huge if he takes one week to plan it." I say and sigh.

Eva laughs hard.

"What's funny?" I ask.

"He isn't planning to strike Jermany."

"How sure are you?"

"You just read some private stuff he will not kill you for that especially since your intention was never to find the stuff you found."

"Fine, if you say so; you've known him longer, anyway." I say pouting.

"What was in that letter, anyway?" Eva asks curiously.

"I can't remember the contents exactly, but I remember a few names." I lie. I remember every word of that letter, but I don't want to tell Eva too much because I don't want her to get into trouble with Shawn.

"What names?"

"Peter, Shawn... Richard... Ivy..."

"Hmm, Peter .P. Phillips is Shawn's father. Shawn is Shawn." she says and smirks and I laugh. I love how she always knows how to lighten up the mood. "Richard, hm, oh, Richard was Shawn's brother."


"He's late" Eva says and bows her head.


After a while Eva gasps really loudly. "Omg, I got sidetracked. I came to call you for a playhouse meeting going on in the dining hall. Shawn is going to kill me." She says and gets up immediately.

What the fuck Eva, like I need more problems from Shawn.


Everyone is there when we arrive. They are all standing around Shawn. We try to blend in like we have been there from the beginning.

"Nice of you to join us." Shawn says and directs his icy stare towards me. A shiver runs down my spine as I stare into his green eyes. I look away quickly.

"Sorry." Eva says.

He clears his throat and begins talking.

"We are going on a raid today, guys. Diablo Sanchez is in town and it is not news that he is our biggest rival and an asshole and let's not forget a bloody thief." Shawn says. "André, give us the statistics."

André steps forward with an enormous book in his hands. He flips through the pages for a while before he speaks. "In the last two months our warehouse has lost large amounts of diacetylmorphine, fentanyl and methamphetamine. These three ingredients are key in the production of rubyx. Because of the lack of sufficient amount of them, the production of rubyx has decreased."

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