Chapter 10

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Dean glanced through the mirror of the Impala at his sleeping sister. She looks so small and innocent, despite being an angel and a hunter. Oh yes, the oldest Winchester knew his twin's secret, even though she had not told him.

You see, Dean and his sister's best friend, the angel Castiel, often had late night talks. One night, Dean had gotten Cas to slip up and tell him why his sister was acting differently.

The angels had tried to erase the brothers' memories of Dean's twin, and it had worked on Sam and Bobby. But it had not worked on Dean. He remembered meeting his sister for the first time in a long time, how relieved he was. He remembered the long search for her when she disappeared. He remembered knowing that she lied when she said she had been taken by vampires, and that the angel he was so fond of helping her get away with it.

Sam sits asleep in the shotgun seat of the Impala. Right now, his hair is curled around his face so he looks like a moose. Dean smiles at his sleeping siblings, and continues driving.

A few hours later, and Dean can barely stay awake. He's had four coffees from varying gas stops, but the caffeine has stopped keeping the sleepiness of the twenty seven hour drive they're making as of this second. At least they drive on mostly empty highways, so when Dean momentarily falls asleep at the wheel he doesn't crash, and no one gets hurt except for Dean, who wakes up when his nose slams into the steering wheel.

He swerved the car quickly, regaining control of the vehicle. The music comes on suddenly as the driver's hand hits the radio button, blasting at full volume, waking the youngest Winchester and stirring the middle one.

"Dean," Sam says, his voice deep with sleepiness, "do you need me to drive for a few? You look exhausted, and its been-" he looks at his watch- "Twenty hours."

The tired man shakes his head, refusing to show any weaknesses. "I'm fine, Sammy," he says, lying through his teeth to his beloved brother.

Sam looks at him with his puppy dog eyes, the ones that always break Dean. "Okay, but wake me up in an hour."

So, in an hour, they stop the car, and the eldest and youngest Winchesters switch places in their treasured car. They could have woken their sister, of course, but considering what she had been through, losing her brothers and being forced to be a hunter, being taken by the vampires, as Sam thinks, or in reality the angels, as Dean knows, being forced to turn into an angel, which can't have been a fun process. So they leave their sister be.

As he's driving, Sam thinks he sees something in the mirror behind his sister, something black and feathery. But, when he looks, its just her, her knees tucked up next to her chin and her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, her arms and legs relaxed, for once, and her hair swirled around her. She sleeps undisturbed.

Or so the brothers think. Inside her head, the Winchester sister is reliving her worst memories. Her mom burning on the ceiling, that day John Winchester had found Mary there. Her having to leave her brothers, how baby Sam had cried from the moment she let go of him, how even Dean had cried for hours. Her brothers during their hunts, when they get killed or seriously hurt. Some of her own hunts, more of which you might find out about later. Her twin being thrown into Hell. Learning her best friend was going to save him, how scared she was for the angel Castiel. How frightened and sad she had been when he returned to her, his wings torn and his body cut in a million places, and his eyes, which always shined with determination, showing how easily they had been captured before being free. Her being turned into an angel. She does not show any of this on the outside, no screaming or tears or moving in her sleep, though inside she is scratching, wailing to get out of this cage she is stuck in this cage reminding her how helpless and worthless she was, this cage lying to her, multiplying thoughts she already had about herself every day without the help of her evil brain. She cries silently, endlessly.

Inside Dean's head, while there are no images, just sounds are repeating themselves in his mind. Gunshots, the sounds of bones breaking, Sam and his sister's screams, more and more sounds. But outside, he looks as peaceful as his twin. He does not show any of his trauma, nor does she.

None of the people in the Impala had been raised as a kid should. They had all been raised like hunters, the boys always on the move with their father and the girl living with her almost-uncle, hunting from the youngest age and going through horrific things.

The boys who had both died several times. The boys who had been raised again, the boys who were means for great purposes. The boys who had killed so many, and saved so many. The boys who had been tortured. The boys who kept going, even when they weren't having the best of times. The boys who were raised to have trust issues, who find it hard to trust even their own sister, if that's what she really is.

The girl, who had killed more, saved more. Who had never died, never been raised. Who was turned into an angel against her will. Who had to come to terms with it. Who had to leave her family three times. Who could not trust for her life, even if she was excellent at pretending like she did trust. Who had been through much worse than the boys, though they will never know it unless they get it out of the angel Castiel or the girl herself. Who was broken into a million irretrievable pieces, despite acting like she was whole and happy. Who always had to be fine. Who felt regret every day for the death she had caused, who doubted herself all the time, whether what she was doing was good or bad. Who secretly thought she was an evil creature, killing monsters, secretly hoping to be killed so she can be put out of her misery. Who had been put through so much by humans who had nothing to do with the jobs she worked. WHo had cried more tears than God can count.

The girl who still thinks of herself as human, despite being an angel.

The girl who also thinks of herself as a monster.

Sam drove for a long time, until they were at Bobby Singer's again. There, they tied the angel up so she wouldn't get away again.

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