Chapter 33

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Asaya's POV

"No, no, Evan it's fine. They're just eggs. We can get more." I try to reassure my friend as he apologizes for burning some eggs we were going to have for breakfast.

He nods, his brown orbs wide. "I guess."

We're doing good. We're only working small, local cases, and we both have jobs here, well paying jobs. We've managed to buy this house, and we're paying off the mortgage steadily. We both have real credit cards, ones that work, and bank accounts. We're part apple pie, part hunter. It's not too bad actually.

I add the dirty pan to the dishwasher and start it up so I can wash the dishes. It hums happily.

I pull up the news on my phone. I look for anything mysterious in Montana, finding nothing. I sigh and put the device down, sipping my coffee.

My phone buzzes. It's a text from my friend Khloe, someone I met at my job. She's become my best girl friend.

'Wanna hang out tomorrow, maybe go to a movie with your son?'

Oh yeah. People around here think Evan's my son. I guess the age difference is wide enough, me being thirty four and him being nineteen. Or something around that.

I respond to Khloe with a yes, which results in her sending a smiley face. I love Khloe because she's funny and childish, but not too much.

"Hey Ev," I call. "Any movies you wanna see tomorrow? We're going with Khloe." I mention that part because he loves Khloe. He will never pass up a chance to hang out with her.

I understand why. Khloe is Russian, but she's lived in New Zealand, Australia, Greece, Britain, France, Ethiopia, and Belarus in addition to Russia. She speaks a bunch of languages. She was in the military for a little bit, until she got shot in the chest and just barely survived. She lives a bit away from the main town, because she has a lot of pets. She has, if I recall correctly, three horses (all appaloosa), two cats, sixteen sheep, and four sheepdogs. Both me and Evan love being over at her house, because she'll teach us other languages and how to take care of all the animals. I have a tad bit of a crush on her, but I don't acknowledge it because I don't know her sexuality. She also makes the best food, from all over the world. Her solodukha is one of the best.

"Yeah, sure. I don't care what the movie is though," he responds.

I almost smile. Almost.

It's always an almost for me. I can never quite smile. Knowing my brothers are out there, searching for me, knowing Cas knows where I am, knowing I'm neglecting my duties as a Winchester.

It's okay. I'm fine.

I have to be fine.

It's not like I'm not happy. One of my best friends is sitting right next to me, in a house I own, in a peaceful town, with a job I like and friends who like me and who I like. I'm still hunting, just low-key, on less dangerous terms. I'm perfectly happy.

Maybe not perfectly.

But happy enough.

"Anything good?" Even asks.

I look up at him. "No, nothing yet. I'll keep looking though."

It's been a few days since our last hunt, and both of us are pretty bored. Not bored enough to go out of state, despite there being some good news, but bored.

We're quiet for a few minutes until he shouts. "I found something!" He says at the exact moment I say, "Are you okay?"

"What is it?" I say, my interest spiked.

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