The Pool

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Heyo!! Sorry this one took me like two weeks lmao

Curse word warning: Sorry if they make you uncomfy but I've been swearing a bit too much recently and now it's just kinda fluent. Not to mention, it's kinda fun to hear the DwD boys

Just me?

Okay then-

Oh and a bit of blood will be mentioned in this chapter...

This is in third-person ackl I'm trying to get better with a style that isn't just second

Also I know absolutely nothing about drinking, so sorry for my older friends if I say some things wrong or just genuinely look stupid :))

"I have an idea~" Shiki cooed, standing on a table. He had gathered everyone into the third library. And none of them were pleased. Lindo, Urie, Mage and Shiki were all together.

"What is it this time?" Urie asked in annoyance.

Shiki put his hands together with a grin. "We should all go to the pool this Saturday!!"

"The pool?" Mage questioned. "And where the hell is there a pool nearby?"

"Uh, a few towns over. There's even a diving board.." He grinned, trying to convince his friends. "Come on, it'll be fun..."

Then the door opened to reveal Roen and Marius following behind him.

"Just tell him the truth!!" Marius said to Roen, as if they were in a fight.

"But he threatened to hurt you!! If we don't do this, then we'd all get hurt!!" Roen exclaimed, clearly emotional as they shut the door behind them. The other members were staring at the two as Roen hesitantly made his way towards Shiki.

"I-I don't want to go swimming!! I don't like water!!" Roen confessed, but Shiki raised an eyebrow at him. Just Shiki's glare was enough for Roen to cower away. Marius patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Look, you can't keep threatening everyone to do as you please. It isn't right. If they don't want to go to some stupid pool, then you shouldn't force them." Marius barked.

Shiki was about to say something but Lindo cut him off.

"Now now, let's not fight." He looked up at Shiki. "There's no harm in taking a break. Going to the pool won't kill you or anything."

But Lindo didn't realize Shiki had threatened to hurt the other devils if they didn't go with his scheme. He told Urie he would kill each and every one of his butterflies brutally. He threatened to beat up Mage, and even though Mage knew he was stronger than Shiki, he showed up regardless.

Shiki knew Roen was still terrified of him, and threatening him wasn't too difficult. He knew how much Marius meant to Roen and threatened to kill him. Fear was the only thing that brought Roen to the third library.

But all Shiki said to Lindo was that he had worked so hard and deserved to take a break. Ritsuka and (Y/n) were going to have a sleepover that night so the girls could be out of the way and alone. Lindo agreed with him and that was the sole reason why he was willingly in the third library.

"See? I'm glad

agrees with me." Shiki smirked. Marius rolled his eyes. No one else seemed too keen on the idea though.

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