Chapter 22

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River's POV
Mom watches me get into the shower, which means that I have no time to try and find a better hiding spot for the letter and vodka. I need that vodka but if they take it... not a big deal. But, if she finds the letter from Sam, she'll flip and I don't know what I'll do.
I can't think about that, I have to come up with a way to get to that after party. I promised Julia I'd be there. I wash my body and then do it again. Then I wash my hair. I get out of the shower and go to my closest. As I'm about to close the door Mom says, "don't test me." I sign and leave the door open and change. I turn on my curling iron, then turn and look at mom laying on my bed. Then I stare at myself in the mirror. "Honestly, I'm upset." Mom mumbles.
"I know. I am too."
"How could you let this happen?"
"How could I let this happen? Mom! You've got to be fucking kidding me." I say turning to her. "My fault. I should have beat the shit out of her when I had the chance, because I knew you would say that. Why are you saying this?"
"I trusted you! I believed you could do this. But I was wrong. I thought because you were the oldest, I could trust you to take care of your sister. Now, I find out that Meadow has been bullied and has been thinking unthinkable things for a nine year old. And then Maddie is in the hospital."
I shake my head, turn off my curling iron and grab my phone, I leave my hair wet. I grab my headphones, and my backpack. I turn to her and say, "What about me mom? What if I'm not okay? What if you should have been here? So, think about that. I'm toning to get my coffee and walk to school. You told me not to test you. I'm telling you now, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful, don't test me." I leave the room. I grab my coffee and then go out to the garage. I decide to longboard to school. I grab them and put my headphones in. I play some Ed Sheeran, close the garage and skate to the gate. That's when I realize I didn't let Shadow out or feed her. I open the gate and shoot mom a text asking her to let Shadow out and feed her. She does f reply but I know she will.
I shut the gate behind me, then I begin to cruise down the road. I'm close enough to the school to see it, but then a car cuts me off. I stop myself before I crash into it. My entire body goes rigid, but I force myself to look into the car. I breath exhales heavily, it's just Julia. She smiles and waves at me, "oh my god, you scared me!" I tell her.
"I honked twice. Get in."
"Um, well..."
"I can't. I can..." that's when everything hits me and I break.
"I'm calling Corrbin." She says as she climbs out of the car.
"No! I'm sorry." I say through tears, "I thought I could go to school like nothing happened, but I can't I'm just going to go home."
"Umm. Okay, I can drive you."
"No, I'll skate. It's fine, go to school. I'll be okay. I'll text you everything later." She looks at me worried. "Go, don't be late." She climbs into her at hesitatingly but starts the engine, I ride toward the house and watch as she goes to school. That's when I turn right and start my journey to my tree house.
I stop at Starbucks and refuel. Then I ride to my house and that's when I smell it. Burning, I slowly put my longboard in the straps of my bag back and run to the back gate. That's when I see the flames. No! This can't be happen. I call 911, and then sprint to my tree house, its engulfed in flames. I throw my backpack to the side and sprint into the house. It's hot and hard to see, but I need MoMo and my blankets, I have things inside. My dad's favorite hoodie is still intact. I grab it and through it through the window. I grab the framed picture of use and wrap it under my shirt. I grab my moms favorite shirt, and my blankie. But just as I go to leave the whole house begins to spin and I fall. Not being able to breath. I lay there as the last kid my parents goes up in flames.

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