Chapter Twenty Six: The Meeting

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"OMG!" Adelaide said flapping her arms about in excitement, after I told her about Selfridges and the incident. "Do you still have his card?" Adelaide asked pulling out her phone from her dressing gown pocket to add a new contact. "Yes, but the thing is, he puts his biscuits in the welly bin?" I said, what confused her ever more so. "I don't care if he throws biscuits in the bin, can I have his number please?" Adelaide said, impatient this time. I wasn't going to argue. I wasn't in the mood for arguing. "Yes, it's in my purse. Let me go and get it." I placed my plate on the floor and went to my bag, to get the card. "Here it is," I said finding the card.

"So, what are you going to text him?" I asked peering over her shoulder. "I'm just going to be all relaxed and I'm not going to be pushy. I'm just going to put 'Hi, I just found your card, fancy meeting up so I can return it back to you?' So it's not too pushy but not too free spirity" I looked at Adelaide, raised an eyebrow, and thought to myself; Pushy? You've just texted a random bloke you've never meet before, asking to meet up to give him his card back that he gives to all of his clients?! "Are you going to put any kisses at the end?" I asked jokingly, not meaning for her to do it, but did she understand the use of British sarcasm? I don't think so as she added a kiss before sending the text off. This lead to me face palming myself out of true embarrassment.
"So what happened today then?" I asked, whilst biting into my pizza. "Well, there was a group of quite snobby girls came knocking on our door asking for you to apologise for snapping at you earlier as apparently they snapped when you tried to help them!" I raised my eyebrow again and asked, "Is that it?" Adelaide nodded. "Okay, well I'm going to get some sleep, as I've got my meeting tomorrow..." I said picking my heavy body up and dragged it to the bath room to clean my teeth before getting into bed.

"Good night, Adelaide!" I said in a very bad Australian accent before putting my earphones in. I rolled over in my new, fresh bed before going to sleep. It was only 19:35 but I had a very full on day. Very full on indeed. An early night would have done me some good.


"Miss Digby? They will see you now" a voice from an over head speaker blurted, waking me all off a sudden. I picked myself up, clutched my folders tight and placed my black satchel over my shoulder. I walked with confidence in my 6 inch black heels, giving me a bit of height. I approached a door that had a sign on it saying, 'MEETING IN PROGRESS'. I quickly straightened my dress out and pulled my straight hair over my shoulders, and tried to give my mini quiff a tad bit of volume. I knocked on the door with confidence, when there was no reply. "Miss Digby?" A voice whispered, from behind. I turned around and saw Steven Moffat standing in a doorway of another door. "Miss Diby?" He asked again. "Yes sorry, that's me!" I said as my lipstick painted lips spread across my face as I smiled and attempted to curtsey, but ended up stumbling ever so slightly, but I managed to regain my balance. "Please, we are in here today." Steven said opening the door wider inviting me in. "Oh, okay, thank you!" I walked in and I was faced my Mark Gatiss who arose from his seat when he saw me come in. "Please, allow us to introduce ourselves." Steven said, "This is Mark Gatiss, The Strangler, I'm Steven Moffat, The Killer and this is Claudia Digby, The -" He paused at the end to see what my name would be but I didn't have one. I didn't know this would be part of the meeting. "I'm sure we will find you a name by the end of today!" Mark said approaching me with his hand out ready for me to shake it ever so slightly. "Please, Claudia, take a seat." Mark said guiding me to a seat. "Thank you" I sat down and placed my folders on the glass table in front of me. "Please, talk us through what ideas you may have in mind." Steven asked. I coughed and opened my folder, labeled "The Nightmare". "Well, The Nightmare is one of my favourites. It's all based around the concept of, if your bad, when your a child, you would have a nightmare. In this the dreams are taken and-" I carried on whilst Steven and Mark took notes. I pulled out pieces of paper after pieces of paper, from designs of the computer software that syncs with children's dreams and turns them into nightmares causing the one controlling the software to grow powerful, to the first couple of scenes scripts.

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