Off To Vegas

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Brian and Rachael are off to Vegas.

BRIAN: A week in Vegas, I can't wait.

RACHAEL: Neither can I. (plane starts shaking) (grips his hand tightly)

BRIAN: (chuckles) It's alright love! Just a bit of turbulence.

RACHAEL: I know, I know.

BRIAN: Eleven years and you're still scared to death!

RACHAEL: It's not funny!

BRIAN: I'm sorry love, you're just adorable when you're scared, and besides, you know I'd never let anything happen to you.

RACHAEL: Yeah, I think that promise only applies to preventable accidents.

BRIAN: (chuckles) (kisses her) (turbulence stops)

RACHAEL: (sighs in relief) Thank God. How long til we land?

BRIAN: (checks his watch) Eh, about six hours.

RACHAEL: (rests her head on his shoulder) Wake me when we land. (falls asleep)


Brian and Rachael arrive in Vegas.

BRIAN: Ten bloody hours but we're finally here.

RACHAEL: So, what do you wanna do now?

BRIAN: Well, why don't you relax while I go get us some takeout?

RACHAEL: All right!

BRIAN: I'll be back soon darling. (kisses her and leaves)

RACHAEL: (goes into the bathroom and gets in the bath)


Brian and Rachael unwind.

BRIAN: (comes in out of breath, his shirt torn and hair messed up)

RACHAEL: Brian?! (runs to him) Honey, what happened?! Are you okay?!

BRIAN: Fans... Chased me... Out of the restaurant...

RACHAEL: Honey, look at you. Are you hurt?

BRIAN: Ah, the bloody fangirls chased me and tore my favorite shirt.

RACHAEL: (notices a scratch on his face) Baby, you're bleeding.

BRIAN: I tripped trying to get away from them.

RACHAEL: Here, let's get you cleaned up. (dabs a cold towel on his cheek)

BRIAN: (winces)

RACHAEL: I'm sorry sweetheart. (puts a band-aid on his cheek)

BRIAN: Thanks love.

RACHAEL: No problem, let's get your shirt off. (begins to unbutton his shirt)

BRIAN: (takes it off)

RACHAEL: (blushes) (bites her lip) (to herself) "Even after 10 years of marriage, I still could not control my emotions whenever I was around Brian, especially with his shirt off. He still had quite the six-pack."

BRIAN: (looks at her flirtatiously) Well, do you like what you see?

RACHAEL: (looks up at him) Huh?

BRIAN: I'll take that as a yes. (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: (shudders) Brian... Can we eat first?

BRIAN: As you wish. (takes the food out of the bags) (both start eating)

RACHAEL: It looks like you got a few scratches on your back too.

BRIAN: (sighs) I don't know how those bloody fangirls always seem to notice me.

RACHAEL: Babe, it's your hair, It's iconic.

BRIAN: Is that good or bad?

RACHAEL: Well, good because it makes you look sexy, and bad because it's so recognizable.

BRIAN: Well, I suppose it's alright as long as it makes me look sexy.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) (runs her fingers through his curls)

BRIAN: (puts her in his lap) How did I get so lucky?

RACHAEL: Brian, if anything, I got lucky. I was just a random fan, a talentless nobody from Plymouth who somehow managed to steal the heart of a legend who deserves someone so much better.

BRIAN: Hey, hey, hey, don't say that. I've loved you from the first moment I saw you.

RACHAEL: (looks up at him) Really?

BRIAN: Of course. I looked into your eyes and I saw a beautiful, fragile, caring girl with nothing but love deep down inside just waiting to be shared with someone.

RACHAEL: (tears well up in her eyes) (wipes her tears away) (sniffles) You, uh, couldn't've saved this til our anniversary?

BRIAN: (chuckles) Well, I couldn't wait any longer. (grins at her mischievously)


BRIAN: (lifts her up and carries her to the bed) (gently puts her down)

RACHAEL: (pulls him on top of her) (begins making out with him)

BRIAN: (caresses her thighs)

RACHAEL: I love you.

BRIAN: I love you more.

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now