Rachael's Birthday

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The next day...

RACHAEL: (wakes up) (to herself) "I woke up with Brian's arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he carefully stroked my hair."

BRIAN: (smiles warmly) Happy birthday my love.

RACHAEL: (smiles at him) Thank you sweetheart.

BRIAN: (sits up and gives her an envelope)

RACHAEL: (opens it and pulls out a plane ticket to Plymouth)

BRIAN: We're flying to Plymouth to pick up your parents, then we're all going to LA. I've got a week full of surprises for you.

RACHAEL: Ooh! I can't wait!

BRIAN: (smiles at her) Come on, get up love, we've got to pack.

RACHAEL: Ok! (both start packing)


Brian and Rachael are heading back to Plymouth.

RACHAEL: Come on! Can't you give me a hint?

BRIAN: I told you love, you'll find out when we get there!


BRIAN: Trust me dear, you're gonna love it!

JAYME: Well, we've got a long flight ahead of us. Who's up for a board game?

RACHAEL: What game?

JAYME: (pulls out a Ouija board) Remember this?

RACHAEL: Oh my God, where did you find that? I haven't used it in years.

JAYME: Oh, it was in your basement. Come on, let's play.

RACHAEL: Ok, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Freddie will probably come through. (they all sit in a circle and place their fingers on the planchette)

BRIAN: I didn't know you played this game love.

RACHAEL: I used to. Ok, who wants to go first?

JAYME: You're the birthday girl! You go first!

RACHAEL: Well, ok... Is there anybody there? (the board points to yes)

JAYME: Who are you? (the board spells out "Freddie")

RACHAEL: (smiles) Told you! Was there anything you wanted to tell us Freddie? (the board spells out "Happy birthday darling.") Awww! Thank you Freddie!

FREDDIE: (whispers in her ear) You're welcome dear.

CRYSTAL: Can we play something else? This is freaking me out.

RACHAEL: Sure honey.

BRIAN: Who's up for scrabble?

RACHAEL: Brian, no, you know I suck at scrabble!

BRIAN: That's the beauty of it!

RACHAEL: (rolls her eyes)

ROGER: Of course you suck at it. Your husband's a bloody know it all!

BRIAN: Yeah, I suppose I am!

RACHAEL: Way to make me feel like an idiot Bri.

BRIAN: Awww! You're not an idiot darling.

RACHAEL: Compared to you I am.

BRIAN: Hey, don't give me that look. Come here.

RACHAEL: (trying not to smile)

BRIAN: Is that a smile I see?

RACHAEL: (smiles) No!

BRIAN: Yes it is! (pulls her into his lap) (kisses her passionately) I love you so much.

RACHAEL: I love you more.

BRIAN: (nibbles on her ear)

RACHAEL: Brian! Stop it! Not in front of the kids!

BRIAN: So let's go somewhere more private!

RACHAEL: (smiles seductively at him) (both go into the bedroom)


Brian and Rachael make love.

BRIAN: (lays her down on the bed) (begins kissing her stomach)

RACHAEL: (sighs with passion) Remember, we have to make this quick.

BRIAN: (smiles at her) I only need 5 minutes darling! (both begin thrusting)

RACHAEL: Brian... (kisses his neck) Brian... (holds him close)

BRIAN: Oh Rachael... (caresses her thighs)

RACHAEL: (sighs) (both breathing heavily)

BRIAN: I hope you liked part one of your birthday present.

RACHAEL: I did...


Brian and Rachael pick up her parents.

BRIAN: (both come in)

HOPE: Hey guys! (hugs them both tightly)

BRIAN: Hello Hope, it's been awhile.

HOPE: It has.

MIKE: (comes in) What's up Bri? (hugs him)

BRIAN: Hello Mike. Are you guys all ready to go?

MIKE: Yeah, Jay called, he and Casey are gonna meet us there.

BRIAN: Lovely.

RACHAEL: Meet us where?

BRIAN: You'll find out soon darling. (puts a blindfold on her) Come on love, follow my voice. (they all walk out)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now