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A few months later, early 1986. Rachael is getting her ultrasound.

RACHAEL: Thanks for being here Jame, I really appreciate it.

JAYME: No problem Rach. Tell me again why Brian couldn't be here?

RACHAEL: Oh... He has an appearance on some talk show today with Anita Dobson.

JAYME: Anita Dobson? Isn't she an actress or something?

RACHAEL: Yeah, but Brian wanted to do an album with her.


RACHAEL: Gives him something to do I guess.

DOCTOR: Hello Mrs. May, how are we doing today?

RACHAEL: Just fine.

DOCTOR: Good, any labor pains?

RACHAEL: A little. They seem to be a little worse than before.

DOCTOR: I see, any morning sickness?


DOCTOR: And how has that been? Is it worse too?

RACHAEL: A little... Why? Is that bad?

DOCTOR: No, no, it's perfectly normal for the severity of symptoms to vary. This is your fourth pregnancy, correct?

RACHAEL: (blushes) Yes.

DOCTOR: All right, let's have a look at your baby... (begins the ultrasound)

RACHAEL: (smiles up at Jayme)

DOCTOR: Oh my...

RACHAEL: (goes pale) What is it?

DOCTOR: Mrs. May, you're having twins!

RACHAEL: (jaw drops) Wh-what?

DOCTOR: You're having twins! Congratulations! I'll be right back with your sonogram... (walks out)

JAYME: Twins! This is amazing! (hugs her tightly) I'm so proud of you!

RACHAEL: Yeah... It's great...

JAYME: What's wrong? You don't look very happy.

RACHAEL: No, I am... It's just that... I'm scared...

JAYME: What are you scared of? You've been through this before.

RACHAEL: That was different... I'm having two babies at once, I don't know if my body is strong enough to carry two babies.

JAYME: Rachael, all your children came out just fine. If your body could handle that, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to this time.

RACHAEL: Jayme, look at me. I'm 4"6 and only weigh 87 pounds. I was so fragile as a baby. I don't think I can do this, I don't wanna end up like that girl in Steel Magnolias.

JAYME: You won't, that was just a movie. I promise you, you're gonna be just fine.

DOCTOR: (comes in with the sonogram) Here it is!

RACHAEL: (takes it and looks at it) (starts tearing up) They're beautiful.

DOCTOR: Would you like to know the gender?

RACHAEL: Might as well.

DOCTOR: You're having twin girls.

RACHAEL: (jaw drops) (tears well up in her eyes) (to herself) "Twin baby girls... I couldn't wait to tell Brian!"

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now