The Interview (Part One)

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(A/N: I would just like to apologize in advance for the fact that this chapter totally sucks. I wrote it to fill in empty space because I had writers block. This chapter is basically random.)


The next day...

RACHAEL: (gently wakes him up) Wake up honey, you gotta get to the studio.

BRIAN: (moans and throws a pillow over his head)

RACHAEL: (laughs) Honey, come on. You gotta get up.

BRIAN: (sighs) I know. (gets up) (puts on a pair of black pants, a white button-up shirt and black jacket) (fluffs his curls)

RACHAEL: (walks up to him and wraps her arms around his waist) You look great.

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her) Thank you love.

RACHAEL: (kisses him) I love you.

BRIAN: I love you too darling. I'll be back in a bit. (walks out)


The band has an interview.

TALK SHOW HOST: Hello and welcome to the show.

BRIAN: Thank you very much for having us. To be honest, I really wouldn't be doing this by choice, I just didn't wanna disappoint you guys that's all, I mean really I need to sleep.

TALK SHOW HOST: Well, we can keep this short. So, this album, Made In Heaven. Why now?

BRIAN: Well, we thought the time was right, and all the proceeds are going to the AIDS foundation.

TALK SHOW HOST: Speaking of Freddie's death, how exactly did he contract the virus? Was he gay?

BRIAN: Listen, do you want to do an interview about the album? Because this is really wasting time, I'm sorry to be difficult.

TALK SHOW HOST: All right, we'll move onto another question... Regarding Bohemian Rhapsody, some people have wondered why you never sung the song live in it's entirety.

BRIAN: Do you mean the operatic section?


BRIAN: It would be pointless. There are hundreds of us on the tape, but onstage it was always just the four of us.

TALK SHOW HOST: But fans wanted to hear it done live.

BRIAN: Look, we've only got like three minutes left. If you want to do an interview, do an interview, but this is ridiculous. I'm sorry. (shakes his hand and walks out)


Later that day...

BRIAN: (comes in)

RACHAEL: Hey honey, you're home early.

BRIAN: Ah, the talk show host was a wanker.

RACHAEL: I know, I was watching.

BRIAN: It's not anybody's business. Everyone already knows.

RACHAEL: I know.

BRIAN: I'm bloody exhausted.

RACHAEL: (gets up and walks over to him) (puts her arms around him) You know, the kids aren't home, we've got the house all to ourselves. Why don't I go run us a nice hot bath like the old days?

BRIAN: (smiles at her) I like the sound of that.

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Good. (kisses his cheek and leads him into the bathroom)

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