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Two weeks later, Brian and Rachael are still on their second honeymoon in Hawaii.

RACHAEL: (quietly crawls back in bed next to him)

BRIAN: (slowly opens his eyes) Good morning my love, what are you doing up so early?

RACHAEL: (sighs) I couldn't sleep.

BRIAN: Are you alright?

RACHAEL: (nods) Mm-hm... (to herself) "I knew I wasn't, I knew this feeling all too well. I was pregnant again for sure, but I wanted to wait til we got home before I definitely knew..."

BRIAN: (looks at her) Darling, what's the matter? You look a bit pale.

RACHAEL: (sarcastically) Honey, I'm always pale. You know I can't get a tan, I burn too easily.

BRIAN: (gently strokes her hair) Love, I know you're pale in general but today you look more pale than usual, what's the matter?

RACHAEL: (to herself) "God, he knows me too well. I can't hide anything from him." Well... (phone rings) (sighs)

BRIAN: (shakes his head) Christ, who the bloody hell could that be at this hour? (answers the phone) Hello?... Oh, hi Miami... What? But we're on our bloody honeymoon... Now?... (sighs) All right, we'll be on the next flight to London... Bye. (hangs up)

RACHAEL: What is it?

BRIAN: That was Miami, apparently Fred wants to have some kind of "emergency band meeting."

RACHAEL: Oh come on! Doesn't he know that we're supposed to be on our honeymoon?

BRIAN: Well, technically second.

RACHAEL: (rolls her eyes) Oh whatever, I mean do we really have to do this right now? It's seven o'clock in the morning and I don't feel good.

BRIAN: (gently cups her face) I know love, let's just get this over with. (both start packing)


Brian and Rachael are heading back to London.

RACHAEL: (rests her head on Brian's shoulder)

BRIAN: (strokes her hair) We'll be back soon darling. I'm sorry Fred cut our little getaway short.

RACHAEL: It's alright, it was fun while it lasted.

BRIAN: (smiles) Good, I'm glad.


Freddie calls an emergency meeting.

BRIAN: (comes in holding Rachael's hand) All right, this better be important, we're exhausted and Rachael doesn't feel well. (both sit down)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Freddie was sitting at the other end of the room smoking a cigarette, he had his back turned to us and didn't say a word."

BRIAN: Fred?

FREDDIE: (hesitates) I've signed a deal... With CBS records...

ROGER: You've done what?

DEACY: Without telling us?

BRIAN: (shakes his head) A solo album?

PAUL PRENTER: Two actually, back to back.

BRIAN: (turns to him) Do you mind pissing off? This is a band discussion.

FREDDIE: Look, I'm not saying we won't ever record or tour together again. Queen will go on, but I need to grow... I mean the routine is killing us. Album, tour, album, tour. I need a break, you must all need a break.

BRIAN: We're a band Freddie, that's what bands do. Album, tour, album, tour.

FREDDIE: Well, I'm sick of it.

ROGER: Two albums will take years Fred.

PAUL PRENTER: What's wrong with that?

ROGER: Another word out of you and I'll throw you out the bloody window.

PAUL PRENTER: (rolls his eyes)

ROGER: I don't believe this, how much?

FREDDIE: (stays silent)

ROGER: What did they pay you? I wanna know how much they paid...


RACHAEL: (to herself) "We all fell silent. Roger and Brian looked mad as hell, and Deacy just sat there quietly, not wanting to say anything."

BRIAN: Fred, we're a family...


DEACY: You've got four million dollars, perhaps you can buy yourself a family.

ROGER: You need us Fred, more than you know.

FREDDIE: I don't need anyone.

ROGER: Please, you were working at Heathrow before we gave you a chance!

FREDDIE: And without me, you'd be a dentist, just drumming on the weekends! (turns to Brian) And you! You would be Dr. Brian May, an astrophysicist writing books on the cosmos that no one ever reads! (turns to John) And Deacy, for the life of me, NOTHING comes to mind.

DEACY: (visibly hurt) I studied electrical engineering, does that make me standard?

FREDDIE: That's perfect! (turns to Rachael) And finally, Rachael.

BRIAN: Hey, you leave her out of this!

FREDDIE: Without me, there would be no Queen, meaning you couldn't have attended a concert eleven years ago and met Brian. You probably would've ended up with a normal dead end job and stayed a virgin until you were 30.

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Ouch..."

BRIAN: (glares at him) (goes to get up but she stops him)

RACHAEL: (takes his hand and squeezes it gently) (to herself) "I gave Brian an it's okay look. I knew he was mad enough to kick Freddie's teeth out, but I didn't want anybody getting hurt."

FREDDIE: (goes to leave)

ROGER: You just killed Queen.

FREDDIE: Oh give her a kiss one day darling, she might wake up. (leaves)

ROGER: (shakes his head)

RACHAEL: Now what?

BRIAN: Don't know. I guess we'll all just do our own thing til he comes round.

RACHAEL: (rubs his back gently) Are you okay?

BRIAN: I will be. Come on, let's go. (helps her up) (both leave)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now