The Next Day

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The next day.

BRIAN: (quietly comes in with a breakfast tray)

RACHAEL: (wakes up)

BRIAN: (smiles at her) Good morning my love.

RACHAEL: Morning, what's all this?

BRIAN: I just thought you were hungry so I wanted to make you breakfast in bed for a change.

RACHAEL: Oh sweetheart, you didn't have to do that!

BRIAN: I know, but I love taking care of you.

RACHAEL: (smiles at him) Awww! (kisses him) You're so sweet. I love you.

BRIAN: I love you more. (gets in bed next to her) (both start eating)

RACHAEL: Shouldn't you be at the studio or something?

BRIAN: (shakes his head) Not today darling. You've got me all to yourself!

RACHAEL: Actually, no I don't. The kids are home today.

BRIAN: Well, what do ya say we stay in tonight and watch a movie?


BRIAN: (strokes her hair)

RACHAEL: Remember yesterday when I asked you if Freddie talked to you?

BRIAN: Yes, why?

RACHAEL: This is gonna sound crazy, Freddie told me we were gonna have another baby. It's just the timing wasn't right this time.

BRIAN: You're right, that sounds crazy. Darling, maybe you thought you heard him, but you had a pretty high fever last night so maybe...

RACHAEL: Oh for crying out loud! I did not imagine Freddie's voice. He was here.

BRIAN: I believe you love, it's just so...

RACHAEL: Hard to believe? Yes, I know. (caresses his cheek)

BRIAN: (kisses her hand)

RACHAEL: I love you.

BRIAN: I love you too darling.

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now