Family Night

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Later that night.

BRIAN: All right. We've got Wizard Of Oz or Young Frankenstein. Take your pick.

LOUISA: Wizard Of Oz!


CRYSTAL: No! Young Frankenstein! That's been yours and Mum's movie since you met!

RACHAEL: I got an idea, let's just watch both.

MICHAEL: That works for me.

FRED JR.: Me too.

BRIAN: All right then. (puts The Wizard Of Oz on)



RACHAEL: (to herself) "The kids had gone to bed, leaving just the two of us to watch the movie that has been the symbol of our relationship for nearly three decades."

BRIAN: (whispers) You look tired love, my shoulder's open!

RACHAEL: (smiles) (rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes)

BRIAN: (smiles) That's my girl.

RACHAEL: (hears a knock at the door) (sighs and gets up)

BRIAN: Sit, I'll get it.

RACHAEL: Nah, I'm already up. (opens the door to find Jayme standing there) Jayme?

JAYME: Hi, can I come in? Thanks! (storms inside)

RACHAEL: (closes the door) Are you okay?

JAYME: I need to crash here for a few days.

RACHAEL: Why? What's going on?

JAYME: Fucking Roger! The bastard cheated on me!

RACHAEL: (looks at her in shock) What? Are you sure?

JAYME: Pretty fucking sure!

RACHAEL: Ok, I know you're upset but will you please keep your voice down? The kids are asleep.

JAYME: Sorry. (sits down)

RACHAEL: Tell me what happened.

JAYME: Remember that chic I told you about?

RACHAEL: Dominique?

JAYME: Uh-huh. Turns out Roger's been fucking her for a month!

RACHAEL: What? (turns to Brian) Did you know about this?

BRIAN: No, of course not.

JAYME: It doesn't matter! He was fucking my friend behind my back!

RACHAEL: Shh! For God sake! Keep your goddamn voice down!

JAYME: (puts her head in her hands) (starts crying) I don't know what to do!

RACHAEL: (rubs her back gently) Look, why don't you try and get some sleep. You can sleep in the guest room.

JAYME: (nods) (gets up and goes into the guestroom)

RACHAEL: (sighs) Jesus Christ. That was a shit show. (sits down on Brian's lap) Can you believe Roger?

BRIAN: Honestly, it doesn't surprise me. He's never been good with commitment.

RACHAEL: I know, but I mean, they have a daughter together.

BRIAN: I know.

RACHAEL: Can we go to bed now? I'm getting a migraine.

BRIAN: You're not the only one love. (both go upstairs)


BRIAN: (both crawl into bed) (wraps his arms around her) Ya know love, we may have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, you're the love of my life, don't you ever forget that.

RACHAEL: I never have and I never will. (kisses him) (both fall asleep)

(A/N: I would just like to say that I have nothing but respect for Dominique Beyrand. I just decided to spice things up a bit and only added her for the sake of the fan fic. Thanks for reading!)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now