Made In Heaven

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(A/N: Another time skip because I couldn't think of anything.)


Three years later, 1995. Brian, Roger and Deacy are finishing up the Made In Heaven album.

ROGER: Bri, look, I know it's difficult, but we need to finish this song.

RACHAEL: Take it easy Rog, it's not easy... Mother Love is the last song Fred recorded... He died before... (swallows sadly) Before he could finish. You think Brian can do this verse in one take without thinking of that? Come on.

BRIAN: It's fine love... Rog, roll the tape... (starts singing) My body's aching but I can sleep, my dreams are all the company I keep... Got such a feeling as the sun goes down... I'm coming home to my sweet mother love...

FREDDIE: (on tape) Mother love...

BRIAN: (breaks down)

FREDDIE: (whispers in his ear) That was beautiful darling.

BRIAN: (whispers quietly to himself) Fred?

ROGER: That was great Bri.

BRIAN: Thanks Rog... I need a minute, excuse me... (walks out)


Brian collects himself.

RACHAEL: (follows him out) Babe? You okay?

BRIAN: I must be out of my bloody mind... I could've sworn I just heard...

RACHAEL: Freddie?

BRIAN: Yeah... How did you know?

RACHAEL: I heard him too... He's still around.

BRIAN: Love, you do realize how crazy that sounds.

RACHAEL: Brian, look, I know you're a brainiac who looks for a logical explanation in everything. But honey, some things just can't be explained. Take my birth for example, I was born so near death, the fact that I'm alive is a miracle.

FREDDIE: She's not wrong darling.

RACHAEL: Freddie, I wanna prove to him that you're still here. Can you show yourself?

FREDDIE: Of course my dear. (shows himself)

BRIAN: (jaw drops)

FREDDIE: (waves goodbye and disappears)

RACHAEL: Believe me now?

BRIAN: (nods)


ROGER: Where have you two been?

BRIAN: Guys... We just saw Fred... He appeared to us.

DEACY: Christ, I thought it was just me mate.

BRIAN: You saw him too?

ROGER: We both did, he's definitely still around... Come on, there's something I wanna show you... (they all leave)


DEACY: Roger, where exactly are you taking us?

ROGER: You'll see.


Roger reveals the statue of Freddie.

ROGER: There it is.

RACHAEL: Oh my God

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RACHAEL: Oh my God... It's beautiful.

BRIAN: (wraps his arms around her waist)

RACHAEL: (puts her hand on top of his)

BRIAN: (kisses her neck)

RACHAEL: (turns to him) Freddie would've loved this.

BRIAN: (smiles softly)


Later that night...

BRIAN: (crawls in bed next to her)

RACHAEL: (turns to him) Hi.

BRIAN: Hello my love. (puts his arms around her)

RACHAEL: (kisses his nose) The album's sounding great.

BRIAN: (smiles) Thanks love. What song do you like the best so far?

RACHAEL: Well, they're all great, but my favorite is probably Let Me Live.

BRIAN: I like that one too. I like how we all had a part. Of course Deacy didn't sing though, he's too shy.

RACHAEL: I know! And he has such a sweet voice too.

BRIAN: Yes he does.

RACHAEL: You should get some sleep, don't you guys have an interview tomorrow?

BRIAN: (sighs) Yes, but I'm not tired.

RACHAEL: Well, maybe a massage will help you relax. (starts massaging him)

BRIAN: Mm... That feels lovely darling.

RACHAEL: (smiles) Good.

BRIAN: Ya know, your birthday's coming up, any idea as to what you might want?

RACHAEL: I don't know... Surprise me.

BRIAN: (smiles at her) As you wish love. (kisses her neck)

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Brian! Stop it! Go to bed.

BRIAN: All right. (wraps his arms around her) (both fall asleep)

(A/N: Okay, so I know the ghost thing was totally random, but when I wrote this I was completely out of ideas so I decided to add Freddie's spirit. This is the last time skip for now. Thanks for reading!!)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now