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Later that night...

BRIAN: (comes in and gently strokes her hair) (whispers softly) Love, wake up.

RACHAEL: (wakes up) Oh, hi honey.

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her) How are you feeling?

RACHAEL: I'm okay.

BRIAN: Good, you should start getting ready. Rog and Deacy will be here in an hour.

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Shit, I completely forgot they were coming over tonight." Oh God, I completely forgot! (quickly gets up and runs to her closet) What should I wear?!

BRIAN: (chuckles with amusement) Take it easy love, you don't need to get dressed.

RACHAEL: Of course I do, I look like shit.

BRIAN: Darling, don't worry, I told them you were sick. And you look fine!

RACHAEL: You know, this isn't a good time to joke. (puts on a ton of makeup)

BRIAN: Darling, why don't you just wear this? (gives her another floral outfit)

RACHAEL: (nods) Ok. (puts it on)

BRIAN: You look lovely.

RACHAEL: (curls her hair)

BRIAN: (smiles) I love your hair.

RACHAEL: (blushes) Thank you.

BRIAN: (hears the doorbell ring) They're here. (goes downstairs)

RACHAEL: (to herself) "Ugh, I do NOT want to do this right now."

FREDDIE: (whispers to her) The show must go on darling.

RACHAEL: (sighs and goes downstairs)


Rachael and Brian have dinner with the guys.

DEACY: There she is! (hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek)

RACHAEL: Hi Deacy!

ROGER: Hello love. (kisses her cheek and hugs her tightly)

RACHAEL: Hey Rog! (they all sit down and start eating)

ROGER: So, it's been awhile, how've you been?

RACHAEL: We've been fine. How are things with you guys?

DEACY: Oh, just fine.


BRIAN: So Rog, what have you been up to?

ROGER: I just put out a new album a few months ago.

BRIAN: Ah, congratulations. John? What about you?

DEACY: Oh, I've been at home with Veronica and the kids, not much else really. What about you two? We saw you on TV recently. That was interesting.

RACHAEL: That interviewer was a bitch.

DEACY: (they all look at her)

RACHAEL: Well she was!

BRIAN: You've got that right love, I've never been so tense in my life.

DEACY: Yes, she was quite rude. I'm surprised you didn't lose your cool dear. If it were me I would have walked out.

RACHAEL: Believe me John, I came this close to kicking her ass.

DEACY: (chuckles) Anyway, how are the girls?

RACHAEL: Oh, they're fine.

DEACY: That's good... Do they remember their uncle Freddie?

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I could tell Deacy was still very upset about Freddie, it was written all over his face." Oh Deacy, of course they do. We would never let them forget about Freddie. They watch Queen videos everyday!

DEACY: Awww, that's adorable!

RACHAEL: (smiles)

ROGER: Well, we should be going... (both get up) Bri, thanks for having us.

BRIAN: Anytime Rog.

ROGER: (kisses Rachael's cheek) Goodnight Rach.

RACHAEL: Bye Rog. (hugs Deacy tightly) Bye Deacy.

DEACY: Bye darling. (both leave)

BRIAN: (wraps his arms around her) We should go to bed. You look exhausted.

RACHAEL: (looks up at him) Will you carry me?

BRIAN: Of course I will. (picks her up and carries her upstairs)


BRIAN: (tucks her in)

RACHAEL: (smiles at him) Thank you sweetheart.

BRIAN: You're welcome love. (crawls in bed next to her) (puts his arms around her) (starts massaging her)


BRIAN: Goodnight love.

RACHAEL: Goodnight honey. (both fall asleep)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat