The Vow Renewal

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One month later, Brian and Rachael are flying to Hawaii with their family for their vow renewal.


BRIAN: Yes son?

MICHAEL: Will you teach me to play the guitar?

BRIAN: Sure, what song would you like to learn?

MICHAEL: I'm In Love With My Car.


RACHAEL: (everyone laughs hysterically) (to Michael) Sweetie, did uncle Rog put you up to that?


MICHAEL: No, I actually really like it. I don't see why everyone hates it.

FREDDIE: Because it's fucking ridiculous!

RACHAEL: (glares at him) Fred! Language!

FREDDIE: (rolls his eyes)

MICHAEL: Anyway Dad, will you teach me to play it? Please?

BRIAN: I suppose so. (pulls out his guitar)

CRYSTAL: Mum? Would you tell us the story of how you and Dad fell in love again?

RACHAEL: Oh honey, you've heard it a thousand times.

CRYSTAL: Come on, it's your anniversary.

RACHAEL: Well, ok. Eleven years ago today, Jayme and I went to see Queen at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield, Massachusetts. I was just a normal girl working at Hot Topic and a huge fan of Queen. Jayme came into the store one day with two tickets and a couple of backstage passes, of course I was siked. Anyway, the day came and we we're getting ready and when we got to the venue I had to pee, so I went backstage looking for the bathroom and that's when I bumped into your father.

CRYSTAL: (smiles)

RACHAEL: And he told me where the bathroom was while I just stood there blushing like an idiot.

BRIAN: A very beautiful idiot I might add.

RACHAEL: (blushes)


RACHAEL: Anyway, we met formally after the show, and your father was so kind... And gentle... And handsome. He invited us out for a drink with the boys, and then later that night we all went back to my house. (points to Freddie and Roger) These two idiots ended up talking Jayme and John into going out for a drink, leaving us alone.

JAYME: Don't worry Rach, you can thank us later!

RACHAEL: (playfully rolls her eyes) Anyway, we ended up watching a movie together.

CRYSTAL: And you fell asleep on his shoulder and he made you French toast the next day!

RACHAEL: (laughs) Yes he did. Then later that day we went to the beach where he first gave me this necklace. (reaches up and holds it) And I haven't taken it off since. Ever since that day, we've been in love.

CRYSTAL: I love that story. Will you tell me the story of when I was born?

RACHAEL: Uh, maybe when you're a little older.

FREDDIE: You were conceived in a hot tub darling.

RACHAEL: Freddie! (to Crystal) No you weren't honey, we made you on our honeymoon.

CRYSTAL: So I wasn't made in a hot tub?

FREDDIE: No, but your brother was!

RACHAEL: (quickly covers Fred Jr.'s ears) Freddie knock it off! He's five years old!

FREDDIE: Hey, he had to find out sooner or later!

RACHAEL: (shakes her head)


Brian and Rachael renew their vows.

PREACHER: We are gathered here today to renew the love of Brian and Rachael May. The pair met on this day in 1974 and married exactly one year later. They went on to have three wonderful children and some major success, the bride and groom have written their own vows which they may recite at this time.

BRIAN: (looks deeply into Rachael's eyes) Rachael... My life began the day we met, I knew from the moment I looked into those beautiful gray eyes of yours that we were destined to be together. You've given me three beautiful children and made my life worth living, and I don't know what I would do without you... I love you.

RACHAEL: (tears well up in her eyes) (to herself) "As Brian expressed his love for me in so much detail, my heart began to flutter as it did whenever Brian praised me in his charming way. I was truly the luckiest girl in the world."

PREACHER: Mrs. May, you may begin.

RACHAEL: (looks deeply into Brian's eyes) Brian... I don't know if there's anything more I could say that would be as honest and as beautiful as you said about me. When we met, I was just a 24 year old, 4"6 girl from Plymouth who never had a real boyfriend. I was just going to a concert with my best friend and had to use the bathroom...

BRIAN: (laughs)

RACHAEL: I didn't know that a... Rather embarrassing chance meeting would lead me to find the love of my life. For eleven years you've made me happy, and I couldn't be any more in love with you than I am now. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it.

BRIAN: (smiles lovingly at her)

PREACHER: You may now kiss the bride.

BRIAN: (kisses her passionately) I love you.

RACHAEL: (in tears) I love you too!


Brian and Rachael put the spark back into their marriage.

BRIAN: (carrying her bridal style) (gently lays her down on the bed)

RACHAEL: (wraps her arms around his neck) (kisses him softly)

BRIAN: You really look stunning.

RACHAEL: (blushes) So do you!

BRIAN: (chuckles) God, I love you.

RACHAEL: I love you more!

BRIAN: Come here you little angel! (slowly gets on top of her) (kisses her passionately)

RACHAEL: (sighs) (runs her fingers through his curls)

BRIAN: Shall I put some music on?


BRIAN: Any requests my love?

RACHAEL: Put on You Never Done It Like That by Captain & Tennille.

BRIAN: (chuckles) Interesting choice. (puts it on and goes back over to her)

RACHAEL: (kisses him passionately) Brian...

BRIAN: (caresses her thighs)

RACHAEL: (kisses his neck)

BRIAN: (begins thrusting)

RACHAEL: (begins singing along) Ooh, whatcha doing? Yeah whatcha doing? You never done it, you never done it, you never done it like that...

BRIAN: (chuckles) You still got quite the voice darling.

RACHAEL: (laughs) You're the only man I can sing this song to!

BRIAN: (smiles) (both breathing heavily) How was that?

RACHAEL: (looks up at him) Best one yet!

BRIAN: (smiles and wraps his arms around her)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang