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One month later, June, 1986.

BRIAN: (phone rings) Hello? Oh, hi Miami... He does? That's quite a surprise... Well, we haven't really spoken since that day... All right, we'll be there shortly. (hangs up)

RACHAEL: (cradling Louisa and Emily) Who was that?

BRIAN: Miami... Fred wants to meet with us.

RACHAEL: Really, why?

BRIAN: Don't know, Miami said he wanted to see you too. Jayme can watch the kids.

RACHAEL: Well, ok. (both leave)


Queen reunites.

BRIAN: (comes in with Rachael) (sits down next to Roger and Deacy)

MIAMI: Hi guys... All right, who wants to go first?

FREDDIE: I'll start... I've been hideous... I know that... Selfish... An asshole basically.

ROGER: Strong beginning.

FREDDIE: (gives him look) Look, I'm happy to take off my shirt and flagellate myself before you, but where would that get us?

ROGER: I'm good with the flagellation.

FREDDIE: What's it going to take for you all to forgive me?

BRIAN: Is that what you want Freddie? I forgive you. Is that it? Can we go now?

FREDDIE: No... There's this concert that Wembley wants us to play, they think we can do better than Live Aid.

ROGER: Christ, it would be suicide to play in front of millions of people for the first time in so long.

FREDDIE: Look... All I know is, if we wake up the day after this concert knowing we didn't do our part... We're going to regret it til the day we die... (quietly to himself) Til the day I die...

RACHAEL: (eyes him funnily) (to herself) "What does he mean by that?"

FREDDIE: The truth is... I need you... And you need me... So, go ahead, name your terms...

BRIAN: Could you give us a moment please Fred?

FREDDIE: (gets up and walks out)

ROGER: Why'd you do that?

BRIAN: I just felt like it.

DEACY: What do you think? Should we give him another chance?

BRIAN: I don't know... (looks at Rachael) What do you think love?

RACHAEL: I think he deserves a second chance, you guys are brothers.

BRIAN: (they all nod in agreement)

DEACY: Well, that settles it then. (opens the door) You can come back in now if you'd like.

FREDDIE: (comes back in)

DEACY: We've decided, from now on, every song, no matter who wrote it, music, lyrics, it's by Queen, not one of us. Just Queen, all the money, all the credits split four ways evenly.


ROGER: We have a problem with the people around you.

FREDDIE: Paul is out, I fired him.

DEACY: On what pretext?

FREDDIE: Villainy.

DEACY: Good. Then I guess we're done here. (they all get up and walk out)

FREDDIE: (to Rachael) Rachael darling, will you stay for just a minute?

RACHAEL: Sure Freddie.

FREDDIE: Sit down, please.

RACHAEL: (sits down)

FREDDIE: There's something... I need to tell you... But you can't tell the others. Do you understand?


FREDDIE: (hesitates) I have AIDS...

RACHAEL: (goes pale) Oh my God... Freddie... Does... Does Mary know?

FREDDIE: (nods sadly) She knows. Promise me you won't tell the others. I will tell them when the time is right.

RACHAEL: I promise. (hugs him tightly) I love you Freddie.

FREDDIE: I love you too darling.


Later that night...

RACHAEL: (to herself) "I lied awake in bed for a long time going over everything Fred had told me. Part of me wanted to tell Brian, but I knew it was Fred's responsibility to tell the band when he was ready..." (rolls over and puts her arms around Brian)

BRIAN: (whispers) Love, are you alright?

RACHAEL: Mm-hm... I just wanted to hold you.

BRIAN: (smiles softly and wraps his arms around her) Goodnight my love.

RACHAEL: Goodnight... I love you.


Queen is rehearsing for their big show at Wembley.

FREDDIE: (singing Hammer To Fall) Convinced our voices can't be heard, we just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder WHAT THE HELL WE FIGHTING FOR?! (voice cracks) Ah, just surrender and it won't hurt at all... (signals the band to stop) Sorry... I sound like shit. You all are lovely, you sound good. It's been awhile, my throat feels like a vulture's crotch.

BRIAN: That's alright. We're in a good place Fred, you just need a bit of rest, that's all. How about we call it a day?

FREDDIE: Yeah... (turns to them) Before you leave, can I have a second?

ROGER: Yeah, what's up?

FREDDIE: (pauses) (hesitates) I've got it.

DEACY: Got what?


ROGER: (they all turn pale)

FREDDIE: I wanted you to hear it from me.

BRIAN: Fred, I'm so sorry...

FREDDIE: Brian stop, don't. For right now, it's between us, just us. And if any of you fuss about it or frown about it or worst of all if you bore me with your sympathy, that's just seconds wasted, seconds that could be used making music, which is all I want to do with the time I have left... I don't have time to be their victim, their AIDS poster boy. No, I decide who I am, I'm going to be who I was born to be... Freddie Fucking Mercury.

ROGER: You're a legend Fred.

FREDDIE: You're bloody right I am. We're all legends. Now, just give me a chance to get my bitchy little vocal chords in order... And we'll go and punch a hole right through the sky.

BRIAN: (they all pull him in for a group hug)

FREDDIE: Even though you're crying like three little girls, I still love you.


August 9th, 1986. Queen performs live with Freddie for the last time.

FREDDIE: Attention darlings... I have an announcement. Now, there have been some rumors that we've broken up. Well, the rumors are not true, we're going to stay together until we fucking die! (crowd cheers) Thank you, goodnight! (they all walk off)



BRIAN: Great show tonight Fred.

FREDDIE: Guys... I can't keep going forever, I think it's for the best that we don't tour again, we can still record, but I feel we should at least end on a high note.

BRIAN: Can't get any higher than that I suppose.

FREDDIE: (laughs)

Love Of My Life: A Brian May Fan Fiction [SEQUEL TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY]Where stories live. Discover now