These Are The Days Of Our Lives

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May, 1991. Queen is filming the video for These Are The Days Of Our Lives.

DIRECTOR: All right, These Are The Days Of Our Lives video take one.

FREDDIE: (music starts playing) (starts singing) Sometimes I get to feeling I was back in the old days, long ago. When we were kids, when we were young, things seemed so perfect, you know? The days were endless, we were crazy, were young, the sun was always shining, we just lived for fun, sometimes it seems like lately, I just don't know, the rest of my life's been... Just a show... Those were the days of our lives... The bad things in life were so few... These days are all gone now but one thing's still true... When I look, and I find, I still love you... You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the tide... Ain't that a shame? I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride when life's just a game... No use in sitting in and thinking on what you did, when you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids. Sometimes it seems like lately, I just don't know, better sit back and go... With the flow... Cause these are the days of our lives... They float in the swiftness of time, these days are all gone now but some things remain... When I look... And I find... No change...

BRIAN: (breaks into the solo)

FREDDIE: (continues) These are the days of our lives, the bad things in life were so few, these days are all gone now but one thing's still true... When I look... And I find... I still love you... (looks straight into the camera and whispers) I still love you.


Four months later, Freddie's 45th birthday.

FREDDIE: Let's play a game, let's all go around and say what our favorite Queen album was, and then our favorite song from the album we choose. I'll start... A Night At The Opera, and most definitely, Bohemian Rhapsody.

BRIAN: No arguing there Fred, we never truly topped Opera.

FREDDIE: I suppose you're right. All right, in all of your own opinions, what was our worst album?

BRIAN: (everyone in unison except Freddie) Hot Space!

FREDDIE: You all are twats. (chuckles) All right, worst song we ever had?

BRIAN: (everyone but Roger) I'm In Love With My Car!

ROGER: Fuck off!

RACHAEL: Actually... I can think of a worse one.


FREDDIE: Oh? And what would that be my dear?

RACHAEL: Bicycle Races.

FREDDIE: All right, I'll give you that. Rachael darling, what was your happiest memory with us?

RACHAEL: Every day I spend with you guys is a happy memory. But I would have to say the first night we all hung out together. That was special... Oh, and I absolutely loved watching you guys on the set of the video for I Want To Break Free!

FREDDIE: (they all chuckle)

BRIAN: Love, you promised you would never speak of that again!

RACHAEL: I'm sorry honey! (kisses his cheek)

FREDDIE: Oh my, these are truly the days of our lives. (sips champagne)

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