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i'll never give up hope

After escaping our dragon friend, Hope, Clarke, and I are just walking

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After escaping our dragon friend, Hope, Clarke, and I are just walking. "How long do you think we've been here?" Hope asks us.

"Hard to say." Clarke replies. "A week? A month? A year? What difference does it make?" A loud scream like growl causes all of us to jump back. "What the hell was that?"

Hope grips my hand for comfort. "Uh, a gargoyle, I think. I killed one once with my friends. You know, my teenage friends." She replies. "So why is a supervillain like you scared?"

"I'm not a villain. I never have been."

I scoff. "Right, you're just my brother who's afraid of our father and will do anything to get away from him." I retort. "You know, your entire life's been about figuring out how to do that, and failing miserably." Clarke glares at me.

"Papilio lux."

Clarke rolls his eyes at Hopes spell. A golden, glowing butterfly floating through the air. "You think that's our ticket out?" He asks her.

"No. It's a comfort spell. It's, it's supposed to provide peace of mind." She says softly. My features soften, she was being nice to him.

"Thank you." Clarke says, nodding at my girlfriend. Suddenly, the bright light shows up again, the strong wing blowing against us. Clarke grabs onto Hope and I, and the light instantly vanishes.

Hope looks over to him. "Why did you do that?"

Clarke frowns. "Do what?" Before anyone can say anything else, we hear loud cracking and hisses. Skeleton like monsters crawling around us.

"Oh, crap." The three of us say in sync.

Hope grabs my hand. "Invisique."

Clarke turns to her. "Meaning?"

"I'm invisible to them." She replies.

"You're invisible. What about me?" He hisses. The monster reaches his hand out, feeling the air. However, once they find nothing, they leave. Clarke smirks. "Guess we're partners after all."

"We didn't say that." Hope titters.

"But you did just save my life."

Hope glances at him. "Because you're keeping things from me, and I want to know why." She says. "Veritas tempus."

"Would you stop with the magic already? It's not fair."

"Think before you answer. Is it unfair, or do you deserve it?" Hope asks him.

Clarke pauses for a moment, "I totally deserve it." My eyes widen in surprise, as does his. "What? Wh-Why-why did I just say that?" He stammers.

Hope answers rather quickly. "Because I casted a truth spell. You can only answer me honestly." She explains.

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