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CHRISTMAS WAS CRAZY FOR LORELEI. The Burrow was alive for the holiday, and Amatheia had even surprised her daughter by coming up to land. The Weasleys had the happiest of Christmas.

Ron was pleased to know Lorelei took a liking to Quidditch, as was Ginny. Amatheia took her own liking to Ginny. She was always braiding Ginny and Lorelei's hair in different mermaid styles causing Ginny to cheer happily.

The best part was receiving a handmade sweater with a large L on it. Lorelei grinned when George said, "That's mum's way of welcoming you to the family."

Going back to Hogwarts was harder to leave her mum behind, but Amatheia was so proud of her daughter. She swore to learn how to use owls from Molly in order to speak to her.

Fred and George had found a curious map in Filch's office. They were trying to figure out how to work it, but were coming up short on answers. Lorelei had no idea. She knew she had to focus on her studies, so the map went to the back of her mind.

Snape had taken it upon himself to tutor Lorelei on some nights. He had felt terrible knowing her father when she didn't. He hadn't felt the hatred he normally did for Gryffindor students. He thought they were all arrogant and rude. Lorelei was just lost and needed guidance.

By May, Lorelei was one of the best in her year in Potions making Snape smirk when George and Fred accused her of cheating.

"So, what? You got better at it overnight? I'm not buying it, Lor!" Fred said with a grumble.

George agreed. "Just share it with us, Lor. We won't tell!"

Lee sniggered next to the three. "Have you lot forgotten she has been taking extra lessons with Snape? She studied! You won't study to save your lives!"

Lorelei laughed when the twins shivered as though they'd been hit with a chill. They couldn't stand the thought of studying. "Nevertheless, you three do need to study. When I return from the lake, I want to see books out with your noses in them!"

Lee was the first person outside of the Weasleys that knew of Lorelei's condition. He found it 'totally wicked' and wanted to know all about it. Lorelei felt at ease with his reaction.

Brizo jumped off of Lorelei's shoulder on George's shoulder. George grinned at the crab.

"Brizo doesn't think we need to study, do you? He knows we'll pass our examinations just fine."

Lorelei snorted. "We'll see, George."

Charlie finished his year winning the Cup for Quidditch. This was Fred and George's first time in charge of getting the house-elves to cater food for the Gryffindor party due to Charlie's request. First-years normally weren't allowed at these parties, but Charlie made an exception for his brothers, Lee, and Lorelei.

Lorelei wrinkled her nose in disgust when Charlie began snogging another seventh-year. George and Fred had gone to get more food with Lee leaving Lorelei with Brizo.

When the twins returned, they began to share their food with the girl.

"What if we made food that turned you into something! A total joke, obviously. Look at this cream puff, Lor! What if it could change you into a bird or something?" Fred questioned.

"Canary Creams?" Lorelei replied jokingly making the three boys look at each other with awed expressions.

"She's bloody brilliant!" George exclaimed.

Lorelei rolled her eyes and decided she was off to bed. There was nothing to do besides watch people suck each other's faces off. She had a practical exam for Quirrel tomorrow, so she decided to go to study.

When the end of the year examinations came, Professor McGonagall told Lorelei that she was at the top of her class. This made Lorelei question her. How could a mermaid with no knowledge beforehand be top of her class?

Percy congratulated the girl in passing making Lorelei beam brightly at the boy. He could be a stick in the mud, but he was caring at some points. Lorelei knew Brizo was proud because even he held a smile the entire day.

It was nearing the end of term when Dumbledore called her into his office.

"Good evening, Miss Calypso. How are you? How were your examinations?" Dumbledore spoke with a smile on his face. He gestured for her to take a seat.

Lorelei smiled brightly. "Fine. Professor McGonagall says I've done well. Even Snape thinks I'm one of the best. He's hard to please."

"Indeed, he is. Now, has anyone been rude to you or anything this year?"

"No, sir. I don't think anyone knows besides Lee Jordan and the Weasleys. Angelina suspects when I talk to Brizo, but I don't think she's sure," Lorelei said with a shrug.

"Hmm," Dumbledore hummed while offering Lorelei a candy. She declined when she saw it move. She still had to get used to that. "And what other interests do you have?"

"Quidditch? Charlie thinks I would do good," Lorelei replied. She was still not sure of herself. "I do enjoy Charms and Potions. Brizo likes the grounds as well. I don't think I've ever thanked you for his aquarium."

"Not a problem. Brizo needs to be comfortable just as you do." Brizo beamed at the old wizard from his spot on his shoulders causing Dumbledore to let out a laugh. "Quidditch, you say? Will you be trying out next year?"

"Oh, I don't think I would make it."

"Ah, have faith little one. I just wanted to check on you. You may leave if you so wish," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor. Come, Brizo," Lorelei called for her crab. Brizo was resting on the headmaster's shoulders. He didn't seem to want to leave until Lorelei called him again more sternly. Brizo jumped off and crawled over to Lorelei defiantly.

Dumbledore's eye twinkled with mischief as Lorelei left the office. He enjoyed her presence.

Lorelei found the twins on her way arguing with Filch. Rolling her eyes, she tried to get by without them seeing her. She failed.

"Oi! See Filch! We told you we were waiting for Lorelei!" George yelled out causing Lorelei to pause and growl to herself. Brizo laughed.

Fred agreed immediately. "Yeah! She was talking to Dumbledore. Hey, Lor! Come tell Filch we were waiting for you."

Lorelei had half a mind to keep walking if it wasn't for Brizo climbing over to George. She muttered, "Traitor."

She turned and smiled at the Squib. "Hello, Mr. Filch. They are correct. I asked them to wait at Dumbledore's office for me. I'm still not used to the halls. Silly me." She didn't sound convincing making George nudge her side. "I promise they were waiting."

Filch looked at her suspiciously before nodding. He pointed at the twins. "She won't be around to save you next time." Then, he walked off.

George threw an arm around Lorelei and smiled. He was holding Brizo with his other hand. Fred grinned when George said," Oh, she'll always be around."

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