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GEORGE KEPT AN ARM AROUND LORELEI AT ALL TIMES DURING THE RECEPTION. She was his, officially. Lorelei teased him when he said this, stating she had always been his since the moment they locked eyes at eleven. Fred and Angelina gagged next to them. As the party went on, Ophelia and Teddy were passed around like a new broomstick. From Lorelei's spot, she saw Ophelia in Ron's arms, head on his shoulder as she felt sleepy. Hermione, Ginny, and Harry stood next to him, all laughing about something. Teddy was in Harry's arms, and both babies seemed to be staring at each other as they fell asleep.

"Mrs. Lorelei Weasley," a voice called causing Lorelei to turn. She gasped at the sight of Adrian Pucey standing in a tux and a glass in one hand. George frowned, not remembering ever inviting him. Actually, George thought Adrian had died in the battle. Lorelei stood up quickly from George's arms, moving to hug the boy.

"Merlin's Beard, I thought you were dead," she breathed as he held onto her in the hug. George and Fred stood up, eyeing the Slytherin warily.

Adrian smiled tightly at them, knowing neither trusted him. He squeezed Lorelei once before moving back to look at her. "Still as beautiful as ever. I heard you have a child, is that true?"

Lorelei grinned, pointing out Ophelia in Ron's arms. Adrian grinned and took a sip of the wine in his hands. "Definitely a Weasley, that's for sure," he teased, looking to George and Fred who both were still standing eerily still. "I'm not here to ruin the party, We–George, Fred. I'm merely here to see a longtime friend."

"When were you ever friends?" Fred dared to ask, eyes falling to his forearm that held the dark mark on display since his sleeves were rolled up. Angelina frowned at the mark as well.

Lorelei turned to face the twins who were like dogs on high-alert. "After Barty Crouch Jr. tortured Brizo, Adrian sort of popped up at the oddest of times. He was never rude to me again, and we were at an understanding the last time we saw each other."

"Which was?" Angelina asked.

"The day Brizo was killed," Adrian answered. "I was on my way to stop the old rat, but I was too late."

George tensed more. "I don't recall seeing you at the Battle, yet you seem to wear your mark now with pride. How're you not locked up?" he sneered.

"George," Lorelei warned, not wanting to argue.

Adrian only smiled further. "The mark is permanent, George. There is no use hiding what can't come off. It'll fade with time... as for the Battle, I went into hiding once Bellatrix found out I was trying to find a way out. After Lorelei told me that when it came down to it, she'd kill me if we ever fought, I knew I was on the wrong side. I couldn't kill. I may have been a prat in school, but I never wanted to inflict the loss I know many people feel because of Death Eaters. The Ministry has already used Veritaserum on me, and Kingsley himself cleared me of charges," he said with a shrug, watching Fred and George nod slightly.

Lorelei was grinned as she hugged him again, taking him off guard. "I'm so glad you're here," she said as she pulled away again.

"Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but someone else is here to see you as well. He didn't want to barge in as I did," Adrian said with with a slight frown. "He wouldn't be as welcomed, I'm sure. He's waiting out back..."

"Who?" George asked.


Lorelei sucked in a breath, not remembering seeing Draco either after the battle ended. She nodded as Fred said, "Absolutely not." Lorelei glared at him causing him to flinch. "Okay, do as you please, Mrs. Weasley."

George sighed, grabbing Lorelei's arm. "Do you trust them?"

Lorelei nodded. "I-I know I shouldn't, but I do. You don't have to come if you don't want to see him."

"No, I need to be there," George said with a smile, putting a hand on Lorelei's back as Adrian led the way. In the darkness, Draco's unmistakable platinum hair was shining in the moon light.

Lorelei smiled when his tired eyes met hers. Draco looked to Adrian and said, "Thank you. Er... you mind leaving us for a bit?"

Adrian nodded and looked to George. "Do you mind if I stick around for a few more drinks?"

"Sure," George mumbled as Adrian grinned and walked off.

Draco was also wearing one of his best suits, his hair ruffled as if he ran a hand through it a billion times. He finally murmured, "It was a beautiful ceremony, Lor."

"Thank you, Draco," Lorelei said with a smile, noticing he looked as if he was second-guessing himself.

Draco sucked in a breath. "The baby. It's all right, isn't it? After the night Dumbledore died, I knew nothing about you. You simply erased any trace of the Death Eaters finding you, and I was so worried something had happened to it and it being my fault—"

"Draco," Lorelei started.

"—I will never forgive myself if you lost that child. Adrian came to Malfoy Manor saying that you and George were getting married, and I didnt know what else to do. I couldn't speak to you during the Battle, and you seemed so angry—"

"Malfoy," George said.

"—and I thought it may be because you lost the child, and I—"

"Draco!" Lorelei yelled.

He stopped his ranting to look up at the pair. Both were smiling at him oddly.

George laughed a bit. "Her name is Ophelia Amatheia Weasley. Nothing happened to her that night. She is a healthy baby girl—almost one, now."

"So the girl from the ceremony... I thought that may have been one of your brother's children. Oh, Merlin, Lorelei, she's beautiful," Draco whispered, relief clear in his voice. Draco had spent months thinking he had killed that child.

Lorelei walked up to him just as she did that night when he was sobbing in the boy's lavatory. She cupped his face with her hands. "You had a choice, and you tried to play dumb when you knew it was Harry... Yes, he told me. I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. You're a good man. A bit of a prat in school just like Adrian, but you're good," she said, watching a tear leave his eye.

He pulled her in a hug then, George realizing how many children never had a choice growing up. He realized how many people simply grew up on the wrong side, forced to do the wrong thing. He saw Lorelei smile at him as she pulled away from Draco, and he knew this was only the beginning of the closure she needed from the Second Wizarding War.

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