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Lorelei smirked. "You'd drown, Weasley."

George fell on the other side of her looking cheerful. "I think a shim...no a slim...SWIM sounds lovely!" he slurred. Both leaned their heads on either shoulder. Lorelei glanced at Brizo who gave her a stern look.

"Not tonight, boys," she said patting their cheeks lightly. She soon heard snores making her laugh loudly. Of course, they'd both fallen asleep.

The next few weeks were growing harder to keep Quidditch and school regulated. Exams for their third year were very important, though not as important as OWLs. They were preparing for them. Lorelei had no idea they even existed, thus making her stress even more.

She had gone on a swim alone with Brizo a few nights ago, but she was feeling antsy again. When she heard the news that Harry, Hermione, and Neville had lost one hundred and fifty house points due to being out of bed after curfew, something about a dragon, Lorelei wanted to pull her hair out. They were so close to beating Slytherin.

She didn't, however, treat them terribly like everyone else seemed to be doing. Even their teammates were referring to Harry as 'The Seeker' instead of his name. Fred and George both were smacked in the head at that.

Exams were in a few days, and Lorelei, like every year, spent most of her last days with Lee, George, and Fred trying to teach them a year's worth of knowledge in a few sittings. Divination was a piece of work, and Lorelei decided she wouldn't take it again. She heard Arithmancy was better. She'd rather equations over the rubbish Trelawney taught.

Astronomy was Lorelei's favorite this year. This was the one class George sparked interest in. Really, George enjoyed how passionate the mermaid grew over the stars. When she spoke about Andromeda, it was like she was speaking about a person. He enjoyed seeing her so happy.

Fred grew better at Transfiguration, more than George. George was definitely better at Potions. Lee needed help with Divination, but quite frankly, Lorelei had given up on it and wrote bloody lies the woman believed with ease. She told Lee this who looked at her like she was a God for the idea.

Charms with Flitwick was something everyone had gotten good with this year. Lorelei thanked Neptune that she didn't have to go over History of Magic with the boys because really, no one cared about that.

Exams took a while to complete. Lorelei learned the older you get, the longer the exam as you retain more information. During the Potion exam, there was an essay portion. Lorelei found herself a bit stumped. She thought about it for a while before guessing and went for it. She hoped she had done well.

There seemed to be nothing but joy once the third-years finished their exams. Many were celebrating in their own ways. Angelina, Alicia, Lee, the twins, and Lorelei were sitting by the lake. Lorelei had her feet in the water while the boys spoke animatedly about a final prank of actually blowing up a toilet. Angelina and Alicia sat near Lorelei and spoke about their plans for summer. Everyone seemed relaxed.

That night Fred and George planned out the toilet explosion for the following day. Lorelei looked around and saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry looking very suspicious and sitting very still. Lorelei raised an eyebrow when she even saw Brizo crawling away from Harry angrily because Harry wasn't giving him attention.

Angelina and Alicia stood up looking toward Lorelei. "Coming to bed?"

Lorelei realized they were the last ones in the Common Room beside the trio. Glancing at the first-years, she shook her head. The two girls left. George stood up with a grin.

"You coming to help with the explosion tomorrow, Lor?"

"Sure. Off to bed?" She asked.

Fred stood up. "Yeah. Night, Lorelei."

The twins left and Lee stood up with a stretch. He said goodbye as well and left. Lorelei slipped Brizo on her shoulder and walked to the stiff-looking first-years.

"Whatever you're planning to do, you better be careful. You look too still and quiet to not be up to something," she warned pointing a finger at each one of the first-years. Ron and Hermione's eyes widened, but Harry only gave her a soft smile.

"H-How'd she know?" Ron questioned in a whisper as Lorelei and Brizo began to walk away.

Harry replied, "She's rather observant, I suppose."

"You better get the cloak, then," was the last thing Lorelei heard before going to her dorm. Of course, she was worried about what they were planning, but there was determination in each of their eyes. There was no talking them out of it.

The next morning, she had wished she had given it a bit more of a fight.

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