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"LORELIE? CAN YOU TRY TO SEND A LETTER TO HARRY?" Ron asked one afternoon late July

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"LORELIE? CAN YOU TRY TO SEND A LETTER TO HARRY?" Ron asked one afternoon late July. "He hasn't responded to any of mine. I'm...er. I'm kind of worried."

Lorelei agreed but the boy didn't answer hers either. Ron had said it was his birthday, and Harry never had good birthdays. Lorelei frowned terribly at this. She wanted to find a way to check on the boy, but there was no way. Once Arthur had said Harry received a warning for underage magic in front of Muggles, they knew they had to do something.

Fred had a wonderful idea.

"Dad's car," he breathed. "We'll fly it to Little Whinging, get Harry out of those ruddy Muggle's home?"

"I think that's a wonderful idea," George agreed.

Ron nodded happily to be seeing his best friend. Lorelei frowned. "That's great and all, but what about Molly? She'll go nuts."

"Eh, we'll go when she's asleep. Don't worry your little tail about it. We'll go tonight," Fred said with determination.

And they did. Fred drove, which made Lorelei pray to Neptune for their lives. George and Lorelei sat in the back, and George noticed her fidgeting.

He grinned and grabbed her hand. "Calm down, Lor. Fred's doing fine."

"For now," she breathed as she looked out the window to see them hundreds of feet in the air.

When the quartet made it to Little Whinging, Fred couldn't get the concealment charm to work, so they hoped no Muggles saw. When they approached Number Four Privet Drive, Lorelei gasped at the window with bars on it.

"I have a feeling there's a reason Harry hadn't been answering our letters," she said with a frown.

When the car hovered over the lawn at the window, they saw the curtains fluttering. Suddenly, Harry's eyes widened at the sight of them.

"Ron?" he breathed. "Ron, how did you--what the...?"

Ron had switched to the back to allow George in the front. He grinned at Harry hanging outside the window. George called out, "All right, Harry?"

"What's been going on?" asked Ron. "Why haven't you been answering our letters? I've asked you to stay about twelve times, and then Dad came home and said you'd got an official warning for using magic in front of Muggles--"

"It wasn't me," Harry said with a shake of his head. "How did he know?"

"Works for the Ministry," said Ron. "You know we're not supposed to do spells outside of school--"

"You should talk," Harry said grinning and motioning toward the car.

Lorelei snorted. "This doesn't count. We're only borrowing this. It's Arthur's, we didn't enchant it. But, Harry, doing magic in front of those Muggles you live with--"

"I told you, I didn't. It'll take too long to explain now," he said looking rather frustrated. "Look, can you tell them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys have locked me up and won't let me come back, and obviously I can't magic myself out, because the Ministry'll think that's the second spell I've done in three days, so--"

"Stop gibbering," Ron cut him off. "We've come to take you home with us."

"But you can't magic me out either--"

"We don't need to," Lorelei said with her own grin. "You forget who Ron brought with him."

Fred threw a rope to Harry telling him to tie it around the bars. Harry was worried about the Dursleys, and quite frankly, so was Lorelei. She knew they couldn't do anything to them, but Harry they could.

"Don't worry," Fred started revving up the car. "Stand back."

Fred revved the car louder making George grin at his brother. Soon, they had flown into the air ripping the bars clean off the window. It was a rather joyous sight to see Harry grinning at his friends. Harry looked so lonely, Lorelei thought. If she could, she would hurt those Muggles to set them straight.

Harry didn't want to leave yet because all of his things were locked up in the cupboard under the stairs, and he couldn't get out of the room. "No problem. Out of the way, Harry."

George jumped into the window motioning for Lorelei. She grabbed his hand and hopped into the home as well. She chuckled a bit at the room before pulling a hairpin from her hair. She handed it to George who winked dramatically at her.

"A lot of wizards think it's a waste of time, knowing this sort of Muggle trick," said George, "but we feel they're skills worth learning even if they are a bit slow." After a small click, the door swung open.

Lorelei ruffled Harry's hair. "Grab what you need from your room and hand it to Ron. We'll get your trunk," she whispered. He warned them about a creaking bottom stair.

After a moment, George was able to unlock the cupboard. He and Lorelei managed to get the trunk and his other magical things back into the room. Harry was grateful to see his broomstick again. Lorelei and George heaved the trunk into the car with Fred pulling from the other side.

After Lorelei gracefully climbed back into the now packed car, they realized they weren't all going to fit. George smirked from his seat in the front. "Come sit up here."

She rolled her eyes at his smugness but still obliged. She was half on Fred and half on George. The twins made remarks under their breaths earning a lovely swat to their chests.

Harry had forgotten Hedwig, who screeched loudly definitely waking up the Muggles. They all heard: "THAT RUDDY OWL!"

Harry had jumped back into his room to grab the owl. When Hedwig was safely in the car, the ugly Muggle growled out like a bull; he saw Harry almost getting away. Fred and Ron pulled roughly on Harry's arms to get him the car while George and Lorelei tried to help as well.

Once Harry was safely in the car, Ron yelled out, "Put your foot down, Fred!"

Harry smugly yelled out, "See you next summer!" to the three dumbstruck Muggles making all of them roar out in laughter.

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