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LORELEI GRINNED AS SHE PICKED UP OPHELIA FROM THE GROUND WHERE SHE WAS PLAYING WITH OLIVER AND BETHANY. The broadcast had been fun and informative, and she felt apart of the Order once more instead of hiding. This was something she needed.

"Hello, my sweet girl. Did you have fun with Ollie?" Lorelei cooed, kissing her cheek. Bethany gave Lorelei a lasting hug, telling her that she was seeing Lee officially, and she was to stay out of the water to start her life, hopefully with Lee in it for a long time. Oliver grinned as he stood.

"It's really nice to see you," Oliver said again. "I'm listening everyday for those who have died. For a while, I wasn't sure if you--" he cut himself off with a shake of his head. "The point is, I'm glad you're here."

Lorelei smiled at him. "It's been awful hiding, but with the Ministry trying to do all the half-breeds in, the safety of Embry and Ophelia are over my own."

Oliver looked over to where Embry was being hugged tightly by Lee after making him laugh. "You're a good Mum--a good friend as well. Embry's going to need that more than ever."

"I don't plan on leaving him behind," Lorelei promised as George walked up stating it was time to go. Lorelei frowned. "C-Can I go see your Mum and Dad? I think for a few hours it should be safe, no?"

Remus, who had joined the conversation, smiled tightly. "More like maybe an hour at most. I don't relish in the thought of you not being safe, Lorelei,
nor Ophelia and Embry."

"An hour," Lorelei promised, excitement filling her veins at the thought of seeing Molly and Arthur again.

George rolled his eyes playfully as he called for Fred and Embry. Lorelei allowed Remus to hold Ophelia, smiling at his interactions with the girl. Lee and Oliver hugged Lorelei and Ophelia as well. Kingsley nodded his head at the female before he made his leave. Once everyone was ready, the twins, Embry, Lorelei, and Ophelia Apparated to the Burrow.

Arthur, being outside from just arriving home, widened his eyes at the group that landed in his yard. Shakily taking his wand out, he asked, "What are you all doing here? Wait! I-I have to make sure--"

"Arthur? Oh, ARTHUR! It's my grandchild! Oh, move out of the way!" Molly ran outside, pushing Arthur aside as she hugged Lorelei and Ophelia, Ophelia looking around at the new place in awe.

"Molly, what if they--"

"Dad, you almost killed me for trying to make an Unbreakable Vow with Ron when he was seven. It's us," Fred deadpanned causing Arthur to nod and allow a smile to form on his face at his wife already coddling the baby.

"Oh, come in! All of you! Embry! I'm so sorry about your parents, dear, but don't you worry. You're always going to be welcomed with us," Molly promised as they walked in, Embry smiling at the Weasley matriarch as she led them into the kitchen. His eyes zeroed in on the food, running to grab a plate. "Lorelei, she's so big!"

"Crawling now, too," George muttered. "Soon, she'll be walking and talking and pissing by herself! I'm missing my child grow."

Lorelei snorted, sitting on George's lap as Arthur quickly made everyone a plate of food. An impromptu dinner was served, everyone glad Molly cooked when she was stressed. Embry swallowed two plates easily, Fred raising an eyebrow at the impressive feat.

Ophelia was fed soft bites by Molly and Arthur, both who wanted nothing more than to pause time to spend as much of it with their first grandchild.

Like all good things, the peace soon came to an end.

The sound of Apparition was loud in the Weasley yard. Arthur stood quickly as Fred and George did the same with their wands pointed. Kingsley, who they had just seen an hour ago, was there with worry on his face. Answering the question Arthur asked him, he spilled the dreaded words from his lips.

"Potter, Weasley, and Granger were caught and sent to the Malfoys. They escaped, and now, the Ministry knows you all were lying about Ron. They are coming. You all have to get out of here, now!" He left with a crack.

George growled out, "Lorelei, get back to Shell Cottage with Embry and Lia. Pack her things, Embry, get yours and Lor's things. Now!" Lorelei gulped and nodded. She had never seen George so angry.

Arthur looked to his boys. "Go to your flat, grab whatever quickly. Meet at Aunt Muriels once you've collected Lorelei and the children. Go!"

Lorelei grabbed Ophelia from Molly, who seemed too shocked to move. Once Lorelei grabbed Embry's hand, she and George locked eyes to give a simple nod. Lorelei Disapparated quickly to Shell Cottage.

When they landed on the beach, what Lorelei did not expect to see was the Golden Trio in her line of vision.

A sort-of lodged scream left her throat as she caught sight of Harry James Potter staring at her from a few meters away in front of a tombstone.

Who moved first? Harry or Lorelei? It didn't matter. Harry, gently, threw himself onto the mermaid, the baby in between the two. She could feel his shoulders shaking as tears left both of their eyes. There were so many things wrong, but seeing this boy--seeing Harry--was something so right.

"Y-You bastard! Leaving without saying goodbye!" She yelled once he backed away. She noticed Ron and Hermione hugging Embry, both watching her and Harry. Bill, Fleur, Luna Lovegood, and Dean Thomas stood a bit away, smiling at the scene. Harry now stared at Ophelia. "H-Harry, meet Ophelia Amatheia Weasley." Harry allowed a splitting grin to reach his face when the small red-haired baby reached out to him.

Harry allowed Ophelia to crawl into his arms, the baby reaching for his glasses immediately. "She's beautiful, Lor. Just like you... I-I'm sorry I left the way I did. So much has happened--"

"Ron told me about the mission," Lorelei paused when Harry sent Ron a glare. "I'm so glad you're all okay," she said, finally looking to Hermione and Ron to pull them both in a hug.

While everything grew darker, there were small candles that seemed to be relit. Seeing Harry had relit one for Lorelei.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now