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LORELEI APOLOGIZED TO GEORGE AS SOON AS SHE SAW HIM THE NEXT MORNING. She told him she understood why he was upset, and she told him her perspective. Both agreed that they were being ridiculous. They should be spending as much time together as possible before she leaves. Fred yelled out in happiness when he saw George lean over and kiss her before he went to go to the bathroom. Needless to say, Fred was the most excited about their makeup because he wouldn't have to sit in the awkward tension anymore.

When the Christmas holidays rolled around, Harry, Ron, and Ginny finally were coming home from Hogwarts. George grinned when he saw Lorelei bouncing on the balls of her feet on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. The pair had volunteered, along with other Order members, to pick up the children. Fred gladly said he would watch over the shop until they returned. He knew how excited Lorelei was to see Harry again.

When the train stopped, George had to hold Lorelei's arm from attacking the students in her way to see him. Harry was in the back, of course, walking as slow as possible. They saw Hermione storming past the boys, not even glancing at George or Lorelei as she went to find her parents. Frowning at the witch, George whispered it must've been something Ron did. They wouldn't be surprised, after all.

Finally, Harry's eyes met Lorelei's. He cut off whatever Ron was saying and ran to hug the mermaid. Lorelei felt tears spring in her eyes as she held him tight to her chest. His arms were wrapped firmly around her tiny waist, and Lorelei felt like she could breathe again. She worried too often about Harry's wellbeing, and him being here just made everything better.

When the pair pulled apart, he grinned wider than he had all term. "All right, Lorelei?"

"Perfect," she mumbled, wiping at her eyes before she hugged Ron and Ginny hello. "Come on, you three. Molly has lots of chores waiting for you." George sniggered at the groans all three students made.

He ruffled Ron's hair and said, "Oh, yes. Ginny, Phlegm's been keeping your bed warm when she wasn't sneaking with Bill."

Ginny's eyes widened in horror.

"She did not! I'll kill that ugly French prune!"

After George and Lorelei helped Fred and Verity at the shop, the trio returned to the Burrow for dinner per Molly's request. Molly had them de-gnome the garden, but it wouldn't take long with just a flick of their wands. They made it a game, and Lorelei still managed to win, even without her killer Chaser arm. She stuck her tongue out at the boys, but they only rolled their eyes in response.

Molly watched from where she was cleaning in the living room. She was hoping George would ask Lorelei to marry him one day. She watched how Lorelei interacted with the twins, and even Molly couldn't deny how much brighter the mermaid was with them. Without either one of the twins, it was as if she was lost. They were a trio, the best there was in her opinion. Lorelei would be the perfect bride for George, and Molly longed for him to just ask her already. Things were getting dark, she needed something happy to look forward to.

When the twins and Lorelei walked back into the Burrow, they were heading for the kitchen when they heard, "Yeah, well, passing over Fred's left buttock--"

Lorelei snorted in a very unladylike manner causing Harry and Ron to turn beet-root red as Fred asked curiously, "I beg your pardon?"

Both began to stutter, their knives rising as they spoke, which caused Lorelei to laugh even harder. The poor sods. Fred continued with a smirk, "Aahh, George, Lor, look at this. They're using knives and everything. Bless them."

Ron grew even redder as Harry just shrugged, used to the Muggle style. "I'll be seventeen in two and bit months' time," said Ron grumpily, "and then I'll be able to do it by magic!"

"But meanwhile," said George, sitting down at the kitchen table and motioning for Lorelei to sit on his lap, "we can enjoy watching you demonstrate the correct use of a--whoops-a-daisy!"

When Lorelei sat down, he took out his wand discreetly and made Ron's knife go sideways. "You made me do that!" said Ron angrily, sucking on his cut thumb. "You wait, when I'm seventeen--"

Lorelei felt George wrap his arms around her waist protectively. She laid her hands gently on his. Fred yawned as he replied to Ron, "I'm sure you'll dazzle us with hitherto unsuspected magical skills."

"And speaking of hitherto unsuspected skills, Ronald," Lorelei started, thinking of what Ginny had informed them out in the garden. George grinned and said, "What is this we hear from Ginny about you and a young lady called--unless our information is faulty--Lavender Brown?"

Ron turned a bit pink as he went back to the sprouts he was cutting. Harry smirked slightly when his eyes met Lorelei's. She winked teasingly at him. "Mind your own business," Ron grumbled.

"What a snappy retort--" started Fred with a deadpanned look.

"Your comebacks are getting better, Ron," Lorelei said with a smirk.

Fred grinned and finished, "I really don't know how you think of them. No, what we wanted to know was... how did it happen?"

Ron looked confused. "What d'ya mean?"

"Did she have an accident or something?"

"Fred!" Lorelei scolded with a laugh, but Ron only tilted his head like a dog to the side.


"Well, how did she sustain such extensive brain damage? Careful, now!" Fred took out his wand and waved it slightly just as Ron threw the knife at Fred, but his aim was so off that it went straight for Lorelei. The knife quickly turned into a paper airplane with a lazy flick of his wand, but George had already turned their bodies so Lorelei wouldn't get hit with the knife.

Ron had begun to smirk when Molly walked into the room yelling, "Ron! Don't you ever let me see you throwing knives again! You could've hit Lorelei!"

"Sorry, Lor. I won't, Mum," Ron said, then added under his breath, "let you see."

Harry went back to cutting after seeing Lorelei was all right. George had repositioned them again to where she was on the chair in between in legs. His chin now rested on her shoulder as she leaned into his embrace. The little moments like these were her favorite.

Molly sighed looking at the trio. "Fred, George, I'm sorry, dears, but Remus is arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze in with you two."

"No problem. Lor will be in there, too," said George.

Molly wanted to argue, but remembered they shared an apartment. "Then, as Charlie isn't coming home, that just leaves Harry and Ron in the attic, and if Fleur shares with Ginny--"

"--that'll make Ginny's Christmas--" muttered Fred.

"--everyone should be comfortable. Well, they'll have a bed, anyway," Molly said, slightly out of breath.

Lorelei closed her eyes as Fred asked about Percy. Her heart clenched at the thought of him. She remembered so many fond memories of the boy, and now, they were clouded over by this disgrace he has for the family. She was upset now, and George could tell. After Molly left the kitchen, Fred exclaimed they were going into town to look at a girl he had seen a few weeks ago who liked his magic tricks (sigh).

Lorelei grinned as they got up, tapping Ron's nose. "And if you want people to help you, Ronniekins, I wouldn't chuck knives at them."

"I said I was sorry!"

"Still not helping!"

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now