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AMATHEIA WANTED TO TAKE THE TWINS SWIMMING TO THEIR COVE HOME. She had gotten Gillyweed, a lovely herb that allows the user to grow their own gills to breathe underwater.

Ron and Ginny wanted to go, but Molly was nervous enough to allow Fred and George. Obviously, the boys were ecstatic about it. They kept asking Lorelei when they were to go, but Amatheia had to make sure she had enough of the herb.

One night in late June, Lorelei called for them. She had asked George to bring an extra shirt for Amatheia out of Lorelei's trunk because the two boys did not need to see more than they bargained for. Amatheia only wanted to take them to their cove, not around other merfolk.

Once Amatheia was covered, she rose to the surface to give the boys the herb. She pointed a finger at them. "Behave down there. Stay close to us. We only have about an hour before it wears off. You need to be around us if it wears off and we aren't near the surface."

Fred and George nodded like soldiers and grinned when she handed them the herb. The two choked a bit making Lorelei laugh. They hastily walked into the water, only in their swim trunks and a singlet. Fred was wearing green and George was wearing yellow.

Once in the water, Lorelei watched as gills grew on their skin and their fingers and toes became webbed. It would be easy for them to swim.

Lorelei grinned as they both looked around excitedly once their vision cleared.

"Wicked," Fred said; though, it was muffled by the rushing water. Brizo climbed on his back (since when were they best friends?) as the twins followed Lorelei and Amatheia's tails.

The twins were having a brilliant time following after Lorelei into their cove. George was amazed by the rock formations down there while Fred was happily watching the fish who passed them by.

"Home sweet home," Amatheia said as they made it. It wasn't much as mermaids didn't do much under the sea. Fred and George were just enjoying being under the water for so long with Lorelei.

Amatheia watched as they played tag and other childish games. One wouldn't think they were fourteen by their actions. Amatheia also noticed how one twin was more observant to her daughter than the other. She smirked at them.

"This is brilliant. I see why you never want to leave, Lor," George said as they calmed down to a simple float. He adored the way her tail shimmered under the water. She had grown in the water, her tail much longer. The colors were still as vibrant as the day he met her.

Fred agreed. "Bloody brilliant. Charlie is going to be so jealo--" he began to choke.

The hour was up.

Lorelei grabbed both twin's arms quickly as Amatheia rushed toward them. She took Fred while Lorelei held onto George. The mermaids were able to throw them on the surface before they choked to death.

The twins, though choking, were laughing with their shit-eating grins. Fred sat up first, his eyes twinkling in delight. George next rubbing where Lorelei had accidentally thrown his head into a small rock.

"Sorry, boys. An hour passes quickly," Amatheia said with her own grin.

Lorelei laughed as it turned darker. The full moon was out. "Mum, I'm going to go out tonight."

Amatheia nodded. As the years went on, Amatheia knew Lorelei was much better off in the wizarding world. She was happy in the water, but her happiness shone through on the land with those silly twins.

Fred ran to grab her a pair of pants while George and Amatheia had their own conversation.

"So, Briz. You like Fred now?" Lorelei questioned her crab with a grin. Brizo gave her a look. "What? That's the second time you've voluntarily gone to him! Don't give me that look."

Brizo huffed and swam toward Amatheia. When she gingerly stroked the crab, Brizo stuck his tongue out at Lorelei.

"Ruddy crab," she muttered.

She looked at Fred who joyfully held out a pair of leggings. She scooted herself out of the water and allowed herself to air dry as the twins and her mother conversed.

After a while, she felt the tingle in her legs meaning she was to transform. Once legs came into view, she pulled George's shirt down and quickly pulled the leggings on. She sighed happily and leaned back away from the pond to look at the stars.

"Mum. Your star is shining very bright tonight," Lorelei mentioned. She felt Amatheia pull herself up to sit next to her daughter, but she stayed far away enough not to wet her legs.

Amatheia hummed in agreement as George pointed out the star. "Did you know a pureblood family of witches and wizards or two named their children after stars? Most went bad in the First Wizarding War."

Amatheia only hummed again but frowned. She knew this very well. After a while, she called it a night and blew a kiss to her daughter. Making the twins turn away, she pulled off her shirt and dived into the pond completely disappeared.

Lorelei stayed put for a moment until she heard Molly calling the three in. Brizo snipped at Lorelei to go inside. She glared at the crab but complied. Not because Brizo said to go but because Molly did.

Fred and George spoke often of their ideas for pranks and new joke items they were working on. Fred brought up the Canary Cream concept again, and this seemed to spark an idea. They wanted to create products. Lorelei thought it was brilliant, but she frowned when they said they had no money to start.

She tried to brighten their spirits. "Think of the ideas for now. We can worry about money later."

They smiled and began to write down their ideas. Thus, Weasley Wizard Wheezes was beginning to formulate in their brilliant minds.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now