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"S-SIRIUS?" she questioned even though there was no doubt in his features it was him

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"S-SIRIUS?" she questioned even though there was no doubt in his features it was him. She watched as he nodded. Then, without warning, she hit his shoulder roughly. "You idiot! Holding a knife over Ron's head!"

Sirius smirked and put his dirty hand over her mouth making her splutter at the feeling. "Shh, dear. I need you to go to the kitchens and grab Snuffles some food," he said with his smirk widening. 

She pulled his hand off of her face. "You're going to get caught," she hissed allowing her eyes to darken.

"Oh, Amatheia looks like she has possessed you," he paused to dramatically shiver. "Just, please? I have to get out of here," he said with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Did you say uncle?" she questioned with wide eyes after a moment. The statement he had started with had finally caught up to her. She had an uncle?

"I'll explain later. Go, my dear, before I starve to death," he moaned pushing her out of the classroom.

She ran to the kitchens and held her wand firmly. When she saw Dobby, she asked for a plate filled with leftover food from dinner. Dobby didn't question her as he created the tray. He gave her a large bottle of pumpkin juice and water.

After making her way back to the man, she saw a dog waiting in the shadows. Sniggering, she placed a locking charm on the door and placed the tray on one of the desks. He transformed right before her eyes and ran to the food. Not even sitting, he began to devour the food.

After only three minutes, the entire tray was cleared and the pumpkin juice was gone. He was now holding the water and smiling at the girl.

"You have the Black family hair. And you have my cousin's facial structure. Narcissa's especially," he drawled taking a sip of the water.

"You are acting like you aren't being hunted right now. You need to go," she urged crossing her arms over her chest.

"You made Remus believe my innocence," he started. "I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you for that. You believe a man you don't know; this could be seen as foolish, but I think it's really showing you have wisdom beyond your years."

Lorelei blushed and urged the man to leave the castle again. "I'll look for Scab--Pettigrew, but you can't do this again. You'll be killed."

"I owe you my life, dear Lorelei," he said with a smile before transforming into his dog form again.

"Alright, Padfoot. Don't go until I tell you it's clear."

The next few weeks were all in preparation for the Quidditch Final. It would be Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Lorelei had only managed a quick word to Remus after he had confiscated the map from Harry. She told him of the Sirius encounter, and Remus had the smallest smile on his face. He was happy his friend was innocent.

She hadn't had much time to think of the uncle thing, as she had too much to think about as the year neared its end. She had pushed aside O.W.L. studying too far, and now was trying to make up for the lost time. She had Quidditch practice, and that was taking up so much of her energy. She left Remus to do more digging as she had done quite a lot.

Oliver was going nuts for the final match. Lorelei felt like punching him off his broom, but she kept her hands to herself. The stadium was roaring for Gryffindor besides the nasty Slytherins who were booing. Lee Jordan was commentating, and even McGonagall couldn't find it in her to correct Lee when he spoke higher of Gryffindor.

Everyone was depending on them to win to break their losing streak.

Lorelei rolled her shoulders back and smiled at George who already staring at her. He sent her a wink before opening the curtain.

"And here are the Gryffindors!" yelled Lee Jordan. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Calypso, Weasley, Weasley, and Wood. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years!"

Lorelei mounted her broom and began to hover. She ruffled Harry's hair after she did a quick warm-up lap. After they were ready, Flint and Oliver shook hands. Flint tried to intimidate Oliver, but Oliver was ready to win. He was ready to finally get his moment.

Lorelei had the Quaffle as soon as the whistle blew. She was flying past the large Slytherins who were all yelling profanities that had to do with her and Lupin shagging. She was glad when Montague was knocked aside by a Bludger sent by Fred.

"Pass from Calypso to Johnson! Come on, Angelina! Nice swerve around Montague... duck, Angelina! That's a Bludger!--SHE SCORES! TEN-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!" Lee shouted.

Lorelei cheered and followed Flint who held the Quaffle in his hands. She felt the air leave her as Flint went smashing into her. He tried to say he didn't see her, but George had already chucked his beater's bat at Flint's head.

There was a penalty shot for Lorelei and for Flint after that, much to the dismay of George. Montague swerved in front of Katie and grabbed her head. She had dropped the Quaffle right into the Slytherins' possession. The game went on and it was brutal and bloody. Lorelei knew her nose was broken from Warrington, but she thought nothing of it right now.

Oliver was attacked by both Slytherin Beaters causing an uproar in Lee's microphone. McGonagall tried to pull it away, but Lee promised to calm down. It was thirty-ten in favor of Gryffindor now when Flint scored. It was forty-ten after a penalty shot by Katie. Lorelei managed to score after a while of pushing Montague and Flint off of her, they were targeting her now. It was fifty-ten.

It went from fifty to seventy quickly. Lorelei wished for Harry to catch the damn Snitch already. When he finally did see it, Malfoy had grabbed the Firebolt and caused the Snitch to disappear while everyone was in an uproar, including McGonagall.

Lorelei was so angry, she missed the penalty shot. She growled out with her dark eyes at Malfoy who flew quickly away from her.

Montague scored making it seventy-twenty.

Lorelei had the Quaffle as Lee was yelling for her to score, but almost every Slytherin was on her case at one moment. Crying out when Montague had hit her nose again making more blood splatter on her robes, she was grateful when Harry zoomed-in causing the Slytherins to move out of his way. She was able to score.

"All right, Lor?" George called flying near her. She was losing a lot of blood.

"I don't feel so hot," she called back. "Don't worry about me! Go!"

There was no need to worry about the match going on any longer because soon, Harry dived to catch up with Malfoy who had seen the Snitch. Harry knocked Malfoy out of the way, and suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers. Lorelei felt a large weight lifted off of her chest.

Oliver was sobbing, but McGonagall was sobbing more. The twins hoisted Harry on their shoulder also letting a few stray tears fall. Lorelei landed on the ground with a rough landing. She felt herself feel a bit dizzy, so she was glad when Angelina grabbed her shoulders to keep her steady.

"WE DID IT!" she roared in Lorelei's ear. Lorelei cheered loudly and laughed when she saw Oliver thanking Harry over and over when Dumbledore handed him the Quidditch Cup.

For a moment, everything felt okay.

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