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A tall brunette man walked down the hallway of the ambassadors house at this warm spring morning. He imagined it to be big but not that big. It took him a few more steps before he stood in front of the big wood door that was the entrance into Elizabeth Prentiss office. He knocked three times on the door and a few seconds later a woman called "Come in."

He opened the door walked in and closed it behind him before he walked to the desk where his new boss was sitting behind. She stood up to shake his hand and before he could even say something she said "You must be Aaron Hotchner."

"Right that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you ambassador Prentiss.", Aaron replied.

"So i read through your files and you were the best one to complete the academy after you went to college where you were one of the bests too. What makes you wanna work as a security man at an ambassadors house?", the middle aged woman asked.

"I wanna get some different experiences and i thought keeping you and your family safe would be a good start.", Hotchner said confident even if the ambassador scared him a bit.

"Well then you should get that experience but you should know-", the ambassador couldn't say more because a girl with long dark hair stormed into the room.

"How dare you to go through my things again?! Or send someone to do it?? I told you a thousand times that you can't just go through my stuff and take what you want. And now give me my cigarettes back and the alcohol i got for Laura's Party!!", the girl screamed. She looked about 16 maybe 17 and Hotchner had some respect for her to just shout at the ambassador like that because even he was scared of her.

"What i wanted to tell you is that you should know about my daughter, Emily, she got serious problems with alcohol and drugs.", the ambassador continued and ignored her daughter what made the girl even more angry.

"Did you even hear what i said???", the raven haired shouted.

"I heard you, how could i not even the neighbors heard your screaming i guess.", Elizabeth said cold.

"Then give me my stuff back!", Emily said upset.

"You are not even old enough to legally smoke or drink alcohol.", her mother said and laughed what made Emily even angrier.

"Fine then i'll go and buy new cigarettes and even more new alcohol.", her daughter screamed at her while storming out of the room.

"I'm sorry for my daughter like i said before she got some serious problems.", the ambassador excused.

"It's alright.", Aaron replied and tried to smile a little.

"I wanted you to meet Emily at some other time but now that you already met her i guess i can tell you already what your job here will be for the next few weeks. I need someone to watch out for Emily. I know she can be really exhausting but because of my work i can't do this so your job will be to make sure that she behaves on political events and that she even attends them. Also you have to make sure that she doesn't get in trouble when she gets out of the house i got enough newspapers where she is in and under a picture of her is another article how she does what she wants. That's not good for my reputation. In a few weeks there will be another position for you.", Elizabeth Prentiss told him.

Hotchner couldn't believe what this woman just told him. He came here to be a security guard but now he would have to play babysitter for the ambassadors daughter. Of course he didn't say this, he didn't want to get fired on his first day.
"Alright ma'am.", he replied instead of what he thought.

"So while i talk to Emily you can search for Agent Wilson he will show you around and tell you about all possible ways Emily could get out of the house when i don't want her too." the ambassador commanded him. Hotchner just nodded and left the room. He still couldn't believe that he had to play a babysitter for a teenager, they should be able to be left alone. He just shook his head in disbelieve and then searched for Agent Wilson.

Meanwhile ambassador Prentiss was talking to her daughter and the conversation just ended when Wilson and Hotchner arrived in front of the ambassadors office again.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME.", they heard someone shout and they guessed that it was the ambassadors daughter. A few moments after that the office doors bursted open and an angry Emily Prentiss stormed out when she saw Aaron.

"You.", she said upset walking towards him.

"You will tell her that you won't do this, right now!!!, the brunette commanded.

"I guess that's not how it works, she is my boss.", he just said in a neutral voice.

"I don't care. I don't even care if that will get you fired but you better tell her now because if you don't and you actually try to babysit me i will make your life hell.", the girl said in a really calm but upset tone.

"Then you better start making plans how to do that because i will not let a teenager tell me what to do.", Aaron said annoyed.

Emily didn't have anything to say anymore and just walked away and you could see how upset she was. Hotchner could understand it somehow because if his mother would have gotten him a babysitter he would have acted like this too but it was just his job. He couldn't just tell the ambassador that he wouldn't do this. She was the one that did torn him out of his thoughts because she excused for her daughter again. After that she told him about an event that would occur in a few days and Emily needed to come and behave. Until then he should just watch out for her so that she didn't get into the trouble or into the newspaper.
After the ambassador told him this he decided he would at least introduce himself properly to Emily so he went to her room. When he knocked there was an annoyed 'Come in' so he opened the door but didn't walk in. He stayed in the doorframe to not disturb her private place.

"What do you want?", the girl asked really annoyed while standing at the window and lightening a cigarette.

"You should not smoke in here, the fire alarms could go off.", he told her seriously.

"Yeah that's what it is about.", Emily said and looked at Aaron like he was stupid.

"Oh okay so i wanted to introduce myself we didn't got to that because both times i saw you until now you ran away before i could even say my name so i am Aaron Hotchner."

"Cool. You already know who i am so i guess you can go now." the ambassadors daughter told him annoyed. Hotchner rolled his eyes and then closed the door. While he walked away from the girls room he thought to himself

'Well what a great first job.'

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