Final Goodbye

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Where do I even begin in this goodbye?

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Where do I even begin in this goodbye?

First off, let me confess something. I felt like an amateur writing Ruthless Deception when I actually wrote other books before this one.

But it felt so much more different. I was scared to post chapters because I wondered if it wasn't good enough. Or I certain new things I would present like Mikey and Iris, William being a douche, Everest, Evander and Iris, Rieka's father, I would be so nervous because I had no idea if people would like it or not.

Even simple things like changing the covers were different to me. I've never done that before. I've never cared much, I wrote and published.

With Ruthless Deception, I made sure that the chapters were long, everything was explained and I tried my best to be unexpected and raw. I made sure to edit them before publishing because I know I make silly mistakes.

Those differences just proved to me that Ruthless Deception meant so much to me.

I love my other books but with this one I feel like a completely different author from the one that wrote those other books.

I know I'm not a perfect writer, and I don't know if I consider myself one but I'm just beyond happy that I can throw my crazy thoughts into a book and see people actually like what I put out. I'm nowhere close to perfect but those people who constantly read my work make me so emotional.

It honestly means so much to me that so many people are reading Ruthless Deception. It isn't a perfect book and it isn't the best but after everything, I'm really happy and sometimes it scares me but I guess that's normal.

A big part of how I was able to finish this book and publish new chapters as fast as I can was because of my supporters while I was writing it. Their comments, votes, and reads meant everything to me. You know who you are. Even the silent readers I appreciate you for simply just reading each chapter and showing your love.

I know readers don't usually read these things but I had to say it.

At the start of Ruthless Deception, I didn't know what the hell I was going to do. All I knew was that I wanted to make the pack doctor the main character because no one really writes about the pack doctor. After Iris came into the story I had no idea where I was going to go from there. I stayed up just thinking what to do and then Mikey came in and everything just fell into place.

I was scared, totally frightened that I would have to discontinue the book but I pushed myself to write from there because I really wanted to write about the doctor. Please have in mind that I know nothing about medical and doctor stuff.

And I avoided writing this little goodbye which is the first goodbye I've put any effort into. Usually, they are 100 words but this one is past that by far. But here I am, In tears, and finally decided to put a worth to my tears and write this goodbye. (I had no idea why I was crying at the time of writing this)

If you're still reading this, thank you so much and I hope I see you in the next story! But for now, this is me signing off on Ruthless Deception.

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