Chapter 29 - Deacon

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She’s off and running towards the guy by the door, before launching herself as he grabs her in a huge hug. My eyes following her the whole way, trying not to be offended as she said, but wondering what the heck is going on. I’m thoroughly confused until we get closer and things start to click into place, the resemblance more than striking, even before she introduces him.

“Hey, this is Dom, or Dominic, my brother... Dom, this is Deacon.. Ty... Seth.. and of course you already know, Penny.”

His hand comes out to take Penny’s in his, causing Ty to straighten up lightening fast as the brother’s lips press lightly to her skin. She completely glows, her other hand coming up to fan him away, although you can clearly tell she enjoyed the whole thing.

“As smooth as ever Dom, I see. That one right there, boys, is one to watch... Hell, especially with that accent. I swear anything sounds sexy in it. He could be describing the weather, and I’d be a damn puddle on the ground, just withering away.”

The grin on Dom’s face is wide, and remarkable similar to Brooke’s when she’s about to mess with you.

In fact they’re similar in more ways than one.

While they both have blonde hair, Dom’s is short, a dirty blonde most people would argue about whether to call it brown or not. It’s shave on the sides, longer on top, and is currently swept back to stick out roughly in a long roll. Almost reminding me of the 50’s rockabilly style. Their eyes are the same shade of brown, and have the same twinkle in them as his sister’s. The only huge difference being their height, build, and the manicured beard he's sporting the whole way along his jaw. Where Brooke is short and delicate, Dom is solid with honed muscles that I can tell through his clothes, and half a head taller than Brooke. His arms are also both covered in long sleeves of intricate tattoos, all kind of running together, and my head shifts a little to help my eyes see them better.

His eyes flick to me, lingering on the hat for a moment, before coming back to my face.

That look I know well from his sister too. The unspoken suspicion, and study, mixed with the mind ticking away.

Dropping his eyes, his shoulder bumps Brooke’s, her eyes rolling while she softly smiles.

“Good to meet you fellas, and while I may be one to watch, it’s that spark of yours that gets you into trouble with me, Pen... every time.. Shall we proceed inside, it’s cold as shit out here and I believe I owe a few of you some drinks, if not a bit more...”

His arm winds around Brooke’s shoulders to bring her in next to him, his eyes sliding to me as we step on, and I feel like I’m somehow getting the silent fuck off.

Or at least a strong warning that he’s watching me.


The bar looks damn nice, and I can't help the way my eyes travel to take in the rustic cowboy looking exterior. It's so incredibly them, and from the looks of it too, they're well known here. The bouncer comes to hug both girls fondly before we enter, grinning widely as he wishes Brooke a Happy Birthday. The wave of people hit us as soon as we step in, and we have to half shuffle, half squeeze our way towards the bar. My head turns, my eyes sweeping around, as I take the packed place in while I follow behind Brooke. The place is completely wooden, from the bar, to the floor, to the decor and the walls. Almost resembling an old western saloon, and I know exactly why she would love it here. Her, and her shows.

Space cowboys indeed..

There are no booths in this place like the last one we went to, and the only place to sit is the scattered wine barrel tables around the space with a few tall stools at them. A rich, dark brown bar lines almost an entire wall, the top a solid and heavy looking piece of wood. We finally make it, and I’m surprised we actually manage to find a space along one end, to at least order something. Brooke’s smile is wide as she watches me examine the place, and I gotta say although it’s not my usual thing, it’s kinda awesome. I finally spot the speakers scattered around that the music’s coming from, being controlled by a DJ set up in another corner across the room from us. Her voice is in my ear as she leans into me, and I duck my head down to hear her better.

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