Chapter 02: Welcome to Dapphion

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Dark gold ceilings stare down at me, and I slowly blink but that seems to only hurt my head even more—my attention is not only drawn to my brown sprawled hair but also to the silk cloth that covers from my chest down on a rather large bed

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Dark gold ceilings stare down at me, and I slowly blink but that seems to only hurt my head even more—my attention is not only drawn to my brown sprawled hair but also to the silk cloth that covers from my chest down on a rather large bed.

This isn't my room, in fact, this doesn't look like any room in my home. That's when the panic begins to rise in my chest, my brain couldn't think of anything that led to where I am.

I sit up immediately but the heaviness in my head pushes me down and I place a cold palm over my head before sitting more slowly this time, I look around the large room and concluded this isn't my room.

My fingers curl around the bed poster as I try to stand—keyword tries—because the moment a foot touches the cold tile I feel the world around me get blurry and my hazel eyes burn.

A pant leaves my lips as I shut my eyes trying to control my breathing, also trying to remember what happened that day.

Just as I successfully got to my feet, my hand still wrapped around the poster the missing pieces in my memory begins to form—I shut my eyes as a wave flows in.

My birthday, Halloween party.

A groan makes me hold the poster tighter as a wave of nausea hits me, what the hell happened? Where exactly am I?

I could tell it is the next day because of the huge wall clock, and I shake my head, did I drink way too much yesterday?

A lot of questions run through my head and I finally notice I'm not wearing my Halloween costume—instead, I'm in a baggy top with shorts.

God, where am I?

After a few minutes of holding on to the poster, I finally feel my vision get clear and the heaviness in my head reduces greatly, so with the little strength I have I dragged myself to the door opposite the bed and push it open only to reveal a large bathroom.

The bathroom screamed of luxury and I could only agree that whoever brought me here was a rich person—I mean to book a hotel room this fancy? Yeah, or did I end up having sex last night?

I look in the mirror to see my make-up has been cleaned, there are a few dark circles under my eyes and I shut them my grip tightening on the sink, my brown hair looks like it needs to be combed properly.

It doesn't look like a bird's nest, I'm one of those few people that are lucky to wake up with semi-decent hair. But my hair still needs to be combed it looks like it was blown around with strong pressure from the wind.

Suddenly, through my peripheral vision, I see shadows of feet moving outside the door. Oh no! Who could that be? I start freaking out.

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