▪️Chapter 28▪️

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"Why are you nervous?" asked Elena leaning against the door frame of her sister's room that looked like a mess with different books scattered around, while she watched her sister pace back and forth muttering something incomprehensible.

"I'm not nervous," denied Erilian as she continued her pacing.

"Aha." Elena gave her a disbelieving look. "Then why are you pacing?"

"What do you mean 'why am I pacing?' I just needed to stretch my legs."

"Then why are you muttering?"

"What do you mean 'why am I muttering?' I'm just talking to myself."

"Okay, what are talking to yourself about?"


"Stuff?" Elena asked while she walked into the room and sat on the bed leaning back with her arms behind her and a doubtful expression.

"Yes, El, stuff," Erilian told her 'duh' tone.

"You know, when a girl usually says 'stuff' it means 'I'm not telling you', right?" Elena asked with a raised brow.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Erilian throwing her hands up.

"Erilian." Elena stood up with a serious expression and placed her hands on her sister's shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Erilian looked down, playing with her fingers. She was quiet for a while before she looked up at her sister who raised an expectant brow at her. Groaning in annoyance, she took her sisters arm and sat down on the bed Her legs tucked beneath her, facing her sister who was sitting on the edge of the bed, one leg laying on the bed and the other hanging off the bed she rubbed her face before she looked up at her sister's expectant face. "Okay so, theoretically speaking, let's say there was a girl who liked this guy."

"Okay," Elena tried to say seriously, but couldn't help the playfully smile that started to form on her face once she realized where this conversation was heading.

"El, be serious!" Erilian exclaimed.

"I am serious," said Elena but the smile was contrasting her statement.

Erilian rolled her eyes. "So theoretically speaking," she said looking at her sister dead in the eye.

Elena nodded. "Right, theoretically speaking?"

"They were these really good friends, however, the girl kind of develops feelings for the other along the way. So she tried to talk to him about it, but couldn't, she kept on getting nervous and all. Then the guys best friend offered to help her with her dilemma. So they keep spending more and more time together. Now, the two were originally great friends, but then one day the best friend kissed her and now the girl doesn't know what to do!" Erilian looked up from her fidgeting fingers to see her sister was looking at her with a blank expression. "What do you think she should do?" she urged.

Elena blinked before she slapped her hands together and placing her lips against her forefingers then pointing them at Erilian. "So let me get this straight, Cole kissed you?"

"Yes," she sighed before realizing what she said. "Wait, no! I never said it was me, I said theoretically speaking!"

Elena gave her a do-I-look-stupid-to-you? look. Erilian started to fidget with her fingers again before she nodded.

"So, Cole kissed you? When?"

"Last Monday," Erilian sighed out before she hugged her knees. "I just...I don't know. I thought we were friends, you know? We were always talking about how I could gain Lucas's attention. I never once thought that Cole would like me. But then out of nowhere, he kissed me! Can you believe that?" she asked and looked up at her sister with a disbelieving look.

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