Chapter 4 ~ Lady Helen

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Gaius walks into our bedroom and throws a shoe at Merlin then at me.

"Hey, what was that for?" I say groggily

"Have you seen the state of this room?" He asks angrily

"It just happens," Merlin shrugs.

"what by magic?" Gaius asks

Merlin and I nod

"Well, you two can clean it up. Without magic," Gaius says proudly.

"Olivia I want you to get me some herbs Henbane, Wormwood and Sorrel. Merlin, you can deliver this to Morgana poor girl is suffering from nightmares."

Once Merlin and I cleared up our room well sort of, when we were done he went towards Morgana's chambers, and I went out to the citadel to get the herbs for Gaius quite frankly I had no clue where to look. I was wondering around the citadel for around about an hour when I finally found a place for herbs I also found out I had walked past it five times. Once I got the herbs, I started heading back to Gaius's chambers when I see none other than Prince Arthur.

"Well well well if it isn't the great Olivia sister of the idiot Merlin." He says to me.

"I really wish I could speak idiot," I say to him.

"And why is that?" He asks

"So I can tell you off in your own language," I say to him.

I walk away before he could say anything, as I was walking I turned back and saw him watching me go. I chuckle to myself and head back into the chambers.

"Okay, perfect you're here we have to go," Merlin says, grabbing me and dragging me out.

"Woah, where are we going?" I ask

"We heading to the feast thing with Lady Helen, Gaius already left I told him I was gonna wait for you." He says while still dragging me.

Merlin and I get to the doors of the banquet hall and see Gaius waiting for us he smiles at us then walks in Merlin, and I follow him. There are people everywhere, and there is food to feed twice as many people in the room. Gaius picks a spot and stops to look around Merlin was talking to Gaius, and I looked around the hall and saw Arthur messing around with some of his knight buddies. Then all of a sudden, I see Arthur turn towards me, I looked away exceptionally quickly. Everyone turned toward the main door. I was confused about why everyone was staring at the doors. I turn to look where everyone else was looking and see Morgana walking in, and she has a stunning red dress on with gems on the corner of her eyes I looked over to Merlin and saw him staring too.

Gaius notices this too and bumps him. "Merlin remember we are here to work."

Gaius walks away I'm pretty sure he was over us. I glance over to where Arthur was and see he wasn't there anymore. I look around the room and see he's talking to Morgana. While I'm looking at them I see Morgana raise her eyebrows toward me Arthur turns to look at me, then turns back to Morgana for a second then walks toward me. There was no way I was going to talk to Arthur. I quickly ducked into the crowds just before Arthur gets to where I was. When I turn to see where Merlin had disappeared, I scanned the room and found him talking to Gwen, I rolled my eyes and decided to stay as far away from Arthur as I could. Unfortunately, Arthur knows this place much better than me and eventually got to me.

"Now, why are you avoiding me?" He asks.

"I am not avoiding you," I say calmly.

"Was it because you were looking at me?" He asks

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