Chapter Sixty Two: Defiant To The End We Hear The Call...

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||Cole Wentz|| First Person||

Oh my God.

Patrick Stump is proposing to me, isn't he?

My trembling hands reach up to cup my face in my hands. My lips form an O shape because I'm in so much shock at this point. Something keeps catching in my throat, and I'm gulping like crazy for air because Patrick Stump took my breath away. At this point, I'm so overwhelmed with excitement and confusion that I almost forget to listen to Patrick, and I miss a few words because my mind can't really comprehend anything other than the fact that Patrick Stump is on one knee before me in Canada's Wonderland, a crowd surrounding us, waiting to hear every syllable released from our lips.

"Cole, I cannot express how much I love you in just words. I know you've been through a lot, more than you ever deserved. You're a gorgeous, highly intelligent girl, and I know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You mean more to me than I can express in this short amount of time, but I want you to know that I've found my purpose." Patrick stumbles over his words, trying to somehow get them out in time before his throat closes off. He takes a deep breath of air before he looks up at me, pulling the lid of the box open. Inside lies an open curved gold band that delicately accentuates a purple and white gems. It kind of reminds me of the Tangled colour scheme. I'm in awe at this point. "I know this is fast, and we haven't been dating for long, but we've been best friends with each other for over five years, and that counts for something, correct?" When I nod my head, the tears enveloping my eyes and blurring my vision up, Patrick smiles. "So that's where I come in with this proposal. I've been in contact with your parents, and they gave me their blessings." Patrick quickly wipes something away from his cheek, and I recognize it as a tear. "Colby Elizabeth Maya Wentz, you're my Perfect Porcelain, I'm your Perfect Disaster, and I want you to be my Ever After. I know this is soon, but you're the one I want. You're the one I need. So if not now, in the near future, will you marry me?"

Time freezes in that moment, and my eyes are searching the abundance of people grinning and tearing up at the same time. I lock eyes with my brother, Pete, and in that split second, I remember all of our Wentz to Wentz moments.

With a quick nod, he urges me on to make my decision.

"Patrick," I begin, my voice shaking when I unclasp my hands from my mouth. I wipe the tears from my eyes and inhale sharply.


Just breathe.

"Patrick, I can't believe that you'd even have to ask." I say, my lips quivering. "Of course- yes, yes, a thousand times yes." I say softly, and Patrick's eyes light up brighter than I've ever seen in awhile. His eyes widen and twinkle with a certain tint of happiness as he bounds to his feet and carefully pulls the engagement ring out of the box. My heart rate increases when he takes my trembling left hand and easily slips the beautiful ring onto my ring finger.

"I love you," He whispers, and that's when I fall forward and crash my lips to his, my heart racing a thousand times faster than I've ever felt it beat. Cheers and hoots erupt from the people surrounding us. Tears spring from my eyes as I think over and over again.

Holy shit, Patrick Stump is my fiancé.

"I love you so much," I gasp out when we break for air. Patrick grins widely at me, those beautiful blue green eyes of his twinkling with happiness. He nods his head, letting out a laugh, before pulling me into a hug, holding me tightly to his chest.

I'm going to marry this man in the near future.

How did I get so lucky?


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