Chapter 24: He Loves You

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"Where's Emery?" I asked my brother as he entered the infirmary.

"Asleep," He sighed heavily. "She wore herself trying to find a way to heal you."

"She shouldn't be. If she could have healed me, it would have happened."

"That won't stop her."

"I know," I muttered guilty.

It was unbecoming to throw oneself a pity party, but I couldn't prevent the unyielding guilt that chipped away at my insides.

It festered like a plague as I watched those I cared most for run themselves mad trying to find a way to fix me.

But what if I couldn't be fixed? More specifically, what if I couldn't be fixed for the long run?

My focus shifted back to the pitch black sea outside. Only catching glimpses of the dark water as the light from the lighthouse spun and reflected its light off the waves.

Once my heart stopped aching, Aiden scooped me up and raced to the infirmary. He had Dr. Adler, from Thane's pack, on the phone in no time while Dr. Nazra checked up on me.

Now Aiden was interrogating them both on what could be done and how quick we could do it.

Plan B wasn't discussed before, as we were all betting on Emery to heal me. A simple solution to a complex situation.

I should have known it wouldn't have worked.

Yet, I had hope.

And now I felt empty.

Like a hollow tree trunk.

Withering and drained of life.

Or like autumn leaves falling from from the branches as their dead shells drifted to the ground.

"We can put her on some medication, see if that will slow down her accelerated decline in health," Dr. Adler suggested over the phone.

"But that wouldn't be a solution, just a short term treatment," Dr. Nazra added.

"Then what do we do?" Aiden asked, agitated as he paced near the phone.

"She'll need a pacemaker," Dr. Nazra said. "It's a small device that sends electrical signals to your heart to help control your heart rate."

"That sounds like a good solution," I piped in.

It actually sounds like a much better solution than being drugged up on meds for who knows how long.

Dr. Nazra gave me a sad smile before she explained further, "It won't be that simple, the pacemaker has to be surgically implanted under your skin."

Aiden's feet stopped abruptly which almost made him fall before he caught himself.

I could see the colour draining from his face as he shook his head, "Not unless there's a high success rate."

"Pacemakers are a common procedure and it has a high success rate. It's usually the main solution to bradycardia as it regulates the heart rate to a normal pace," Dr. Nazra answered before a troubled expression crossed her face. "I've never had the need to perform an operation of that nature...given our species."

"Dr. Adler?" Aiden questioned.

The old man sighed over the telephone line, "I'm afraid I haven't either. Cardiology wasn't my strongest area, but I know who the top cardiologist is in the country."

His blue eyes found mine, clouded with desperation, "Would it be safe for him to operate on her? Given her DNA?"

"Doctor-patient confidentiality would prevent him from speaking of Tate's case, but I don't know if it will be enough to stop him from divulging the information, or taking test samples."

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