Part 63 - Goof Up

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Part 63


" And what made you think that not telling us that Nicole came here and said so much to you both is a good idea..? "
Nicholas' voice thundered loud in the entire villa as he went wild with anger after Maya and Gracy told the boys about their father's visit and threats during their absence.

To which Roman added equally vexed and angered as his elder brother ;
" That man could have hurt you..!!!
Were we not clear or are you two really that naïve that you dont understand that Nicole Valentino is f*cking danger..??? "

" You made me promise you that I wont hide anything from you.. And I kept it.. And I'm still keeping it.. and you do this to me pumpkin..?? "
Nicholas' hurt husband feelings emerge as Maya, who by now feels extremely guilty about not telling her husband this matter earlier, just looks down not knowing how to reply.

" I wanted to keep you safe.. From everything.. Especially from my father..
But now I feel like I've completely failed at it Gracy..!!! "
Comes Roman's offended voice following Nicholas making Gracy feel as bad as her sister.

Of course after knowing all what their father said to their wives, Nicholas and Roman felt extremely angry and infuriated. That man needed to be made aware of his limits, the Valentino Brothers thought. But more than that they upset about the fact that their own wives didnt inform them about their encounter with Nicole when it happened but waited so long for it.

Thinking about the same, Nicholas and Roman walked away from the table together, but stopped and turned when they heard their wives' concerned voices;
" You didnt have breakfast..! "

" No need. "
Roman said in an mad tone.

After which Nicholas said in a cold way;
" We already have had enough!! "

Saying just those two lines, the boys left for office without eating anything while the girls watched helplessly knowing that this time it was their fault for not telling the truth before.

" I knew that this was a bad idea..
Damn that Nicole..!!! "
Maya manages to say some time after the boys are gone.

At which point Gracy also adds her point;
" We were just waiting for the right time Maya..
Maybe we should have told them after breakfast..!! "

Maya and Gracy are still talking when they suddenly hear Wesley's voice as he runs in the room in a panicked way as he says ;
" Sorry guys..
I kinda slept in.. Which is why I'm late..!! "

Finally looking at the girls unaware of all what happened, Wesley says in his normal cheerful nature;
Good morning guys..
Where are your husbands..??
Did they also sleep in..?? "

Wesley approaches the Maya and Gracy who are still seated by he table as he picks up a sandwich and eats while he smiles broadly but soon he notices the serious sad look on the girls' faces making ask in a much more mature way;
" What happened..???
Is everything okay..??
Did the guys do anything..?? "

" Nooo. This time they didnt do anything..!! "
Maya says.

" Infact we did
We hid something from them
And now they are angry at us for that..!! "
Gracy also says.

" You did..???
That's weird
Is it very serious..?? "
Now a completely focused Wesley asked.

Then the girls proceed to tell Wesley about Nicole and all what happened and also about the boy's reactions some time earlier when Maya and Gracy told them about the same.

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