Part 28 - Wake Up Call

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Part 28

In The Morning
Maya's Room

As the sunlight makes it way in my room to my bed right on my face, my sleep gets disturbed.

Without opening my eyes, I burrowed myself deeper in the warm and soft sheets for some more time making myself even more comfortable waiting for my alarm to go on so that then I can get a reason to get out of bed but that doesn't last too long as the alarm goes on very soon.
I try to move my hands to get hold of my phone but I'm not able to do so.

What on earth is going on now..!?
Why can't things ever be the way I want it to be..!!
Like seriously...

Just give me few seconds to shed the sleep from my eyes and mind, to allow the blurred visions of the last night to get clear then give way to this new day awaiting me only then I'll be able to gather things.

With a mostly blurry vision, I look around and see someone sleeping on my right side.
How can it be Maya..??
He's at father's place..!!
But if Bunny is at father's place and not here, then....
Then who the heck is this person.!?

I rubbed the remainders of sleep from my eyes and gazed out at that man sleeping next to me with his both hands caging me, the left hand under me and the right one on me.

It's him the one who's sleeping peacefully next to me as I look at him trying to understand how he ended up here. Right now sleeping, he seems to be very calm and at peace. Well, I guess adding attractive to this list will not be completely wrong. Despite being so unlikely this moment seems to also be weirdly soothing.

I suppose this is something that the majority of couples consider to be blessed and beautiful, but me on the very contrary, I find it strange, infact even unusual.
The only persons whom I've slept next to are my Maa, Gracy and Bunny. And it seemed to be very normal to me in the past.

But right now with Nicholas sleeping so close lying next to me, it feels very weird.
My thoughts are soon interrupted as I feel something move from my tummy upwards, I pick up the blanket on me only to see Nicholas' hand which is inside the t-shirt that I'm wearing. I see his right hand continue moving upwards from my tummy to my boob as he grabs it.

Absolutely blowed over this action of his, the next thing I know doing is kicking him out of my bed in a state of panic.

And Nicholas falls off the bed on the floor hard as he's immediately woken up and he glares at me enraged by this action of mine as I look at him in a shocked way in a sitting position as I grab the blanket placing it over me.

" What the fucking hell is wrong with you..??? You could have almost broken my head like that... Why did you kick me..!!! Are you out of your mind or what...!??? "
Nicholas shouts angrily at me as he gets up while recovering from the shock of falling down.

" And what the hell is wrong with you..!!?? How dare you touch me like that...????

Wait a minute....
You're in my room..!!!
What are you doing in my room... That too in my bed..!!???
Why were you even sleeping next to me, Nicholas..!!?? "
I shoot back at him starting in an offended way but then as I realize this particular detail, my tone changes from accusing to questioning on its own.

As I talk, I see the expressions on his face which were initially irked by my way of getting him out of my bed which soon changes as some realization hits me which he soon overcomes as he notices me seeing that and now he's looking at me with a different type of confidence in his eyes.

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