Part 83 - Amelia's Revenge

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Some crazy stuff down here guys, don't know if you're gonna be able to read or not.

Part 83


With her head spinning, eyes feeling extremely heavy Jennifer tries to open her eyes holding her head with her hands as she gains consciousness. With the blurry sight in front of her, Jennifer takes some minutes to calm herself down and then opens her eyes again in hopes of better vision as she feels extremely weak all over her body. As she manages to pull her body from the hard mattress, Jennifer looks around and with the very little light coming from a small window a little far in the space, Jennifer finds herself in a room.

As she tries to recall what happened previously and how she got there, Jennifer remembered how Mike and Amelia had tricked her and confessed about faking Amelia's death.

But weren't they in Stones Mansion when all that happened.?

Then how did she get here.?
And why doesnt this place somehow looks familiar.?

What's going on here.?
Where are Mike and Amelia.?

" She's up..!! "
Jennifer hears a man's voice not far away.

Following which a woman's excited voice is heard;
" Finally...
Showtime now! "

Walking towards the source of that voice taking support on the way, Jennifer comes to an iron bar door. Jennifer looks around to see who's talking but since the place is in complete darkness, she can't see anyone. Jennifer tries her best to open the door but it just refuses to move at all unaware that she's being watched at the same moment. Just as Jennifer is about to talk, she hears Amelia's voice.

" No need to shout
As it is, I completely hate hearing your voice.!

( Walking out of the darkness into light, Amelia holds her head and acts dramatically as she is followed by Wesley.)

What happened to me.?
Where am I..?
What's going on..?
Why is this door not opening..?
Why am I locked in this room.?
Let me out of here..!!

( Now with a straight face and no longer acting, Amelia looks at Jennifer in the eyes and continues)

No need to say all of that..
I'll myself do the honor of telling you what's happening to you..!! "
Amelia taunts Jennifer as she has waited a long time to confront Jennifer since she fainted.

As Amelia says that and Wesley stands confidently next to her, Jennifer feels slightly threatened at the moment as she has this feeling that something is just not right.

" Cut the crap, Amelia..
Just let me out..!!
And Wesley, you stupid servant..
How dare you help this crazy woman in all this.?
Just wait and watch what I do to you once I'm out of here. "
Jennifer says with the hands-on the iron bars as she tries to move them.

Confident about these words and Amelia's doings, Wesley snaps back at Jennifer;
" Well instead of thinking about what you'll do after you get out, you should instead worry about how you'll actually get out of that room as the only way out is unlocking this biometric door which will definitely not accept your fingerprints..!! "

Laughing at her actions and words and letting Wesley reply to her, Amelia just clicks the button on a nearby switch as she says while the bulbs light up in that room then says with a smug look;
" Look around Bitchyfer...
Does this room not look familiar to you..?? "

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