Part 95 - Let It Out

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Part 95


Just after I confessed my part, Nicholas just grabs my hand and the next second he's rushing me inside his ward. Once we are in the room, I take a minute to calm down my unsteady breathes. As I take my time, I see Nicholas now fuming with anger.

As Nicholas paces back and forth in the room, I slowly walk to the nearby sofa and sit down giving him the much needed time to sort out his messed up mind. All this sudden confrontation and truth revealing has my already swollen legs even more weak to stand.

" If you knew then why the bloody hell did you let another man touch you! Fuck you? That is solely my right!

Or were you just lying to get back at me?
Off course!
That's what you're trying to do!

You're trying to make me feel bad by saying all that because you know I would never share you with anyone. That I hate any other man even thinking of touching you! " Finally Nicholas shoots out trying his best to make sense from what he heard of Wesley and my conversation.

To accept or deny his words?

What should I do at this point is what comes up in my mind. Anyways the truth is something we are going with right now. Which is why I choose to go with a different type reply neither acknowledging nor denying his words;" Well, if that's how you're trying to console yourself then be my guest! "

My words clearly sting Nicholas as he gets vocally exhausted and angry; " I'm reaching my breaking point now Maya. I'm gonn.. "

" Exactly! Everyone has a breaking point. So did Bunny have one! " Taking a step towards him as I get up, I cant help but cut him midway as I look right in his eyes and continue resentful way remembering that dreadful moment; " And guess who pushed him to that point! "

I see fear overtake the previous anger in his eyes as he tries to stand up to my words again; " I wasn't trying to do anything like that! I love our son more than anything! And you fucking know that! I never meant for a single second all the rubbish I said that day! "

" But he believed it! He believed each and every word you said that day! I tried to convince Bunny that you didnt but he was ready to believe me! Thought I was lying about you! Again like I did in the start! To protect him! To protect your image in front of him!! " I confessed.
Considering that I lied about mine and Nicholas's relationship in the beginning to protect his superhero image in front of the child, Bunny didnt believe me at all when I tried to explain Nicholas's unfavorable situation to him.

I know that things werent easy for Nicholas but leaving everything here and moving away with our son hasnt been a walk in the park for me either.

For months, I've tried to keep a cool head and deal with Bunny. But now, at this point I can no longer hold it back making me spill it out. I did put up the farce of being unbothered by him for long but I need a break from it now;
" Dad never really cared for him.

Jennifer hated him for being born weak.

Because of his legs issues, he was looked down and buillied.

I almost died and he watched me lying half-dead in coma for months.

Despite the horrible side of yours that Jennifer made him see, Bunny trusted you! He loved you! He idolized you! He thought that I may die and leave him but you would never. Because he saw you change and be a good man. A supporting husband! And a great father! His superhero!

But when you said all of that, you shattered him!
I am not angry about what you did to me!
I know why you did it. I understand you.

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