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Part 27

Next Day
8 AM

" Can you believe it, Jennifer actually cooked up all this story in front of Nicholas.... Wow...
Like seriously wow...
She's such a convincing bitch....
And you were right...!!!
Your Nicholas is dumb..!!!
He ended up believing all that..!! "
Gracy tells me the fake story that Jennifer fabricated in front of Nicholas as I look at her understanding why he always holds me responsible for everything that goes wrong.

" I agree...
And Jennifer must have been very convincing as always for that idiot to believe him..!! And also when it comes to make her the victim and me the torturer, Jennifer is always at her best performance..!!!
At least now I know the entire reason why Nicholas behave like an asshole each time we get in a discussion..

Right now..
Let them both go to hell...
We already have much things to do...
And with new year coming on, we have so many arrangements to do for the kids here..!!
Let's go..!! "
I say as I understand what Nicholas thinks that I'm all after money and revenge.

" Wait Maya...!!!
You didn't even ask me how I got to know about all that..!!?? 

Don't you want to know how I came to know about all this secret.!? "
Gracy questions me to which I repliy with full confidence knowing what she would say.

" Because in the past years, each time you've got information on Jennifer and I've asked you how you got that information, I've always got the same answer from you..!!! 

I've got some spies and good friends after her Maya..!!! "
I reply her as I imitate Gracy's way of talking.

" Exactly...!!!

I guess now that everything is clear to us, I guess we can get going now..!! 

And then after work we'll pick up Bunny and go for our new year's shopping...!! "
Gracy says as we continue our work.

Stones Mansion
Late Afternoon
In His Room

" NOOOOO...!!!!!
We cannot miit today...!!! "
I shout loud on the phone in a state of panic as Dii tells me she's coming to pick me up to go to out with her.

" But why..??
That's so not like you..!! It's almost new year and you love going out during this period..!!!
Is everything okay..??
Are you okay..??
Did some say something to you..?? "
I hear my sister say in a panicked way as I realize that I may have hurried too much to have replied her.

" Nioo Dii..!!
Noone say anything to mieee...
It's.. It's just that.. That I need to rest..
Yioou remember what doctor uncle..!!
That Bunny should not walk much..!!
And yestaarrday Bunny walked a lot with Maryyy..!!! So today Bunny should be resting, naa...!!!?  That's why I can't come...!! "
I say on the phone trying to convince my sister to not come to take me.

" Okay... That's also right... We are both very happy that you are listening to everything said to you so well.. But that doesn't mean you can't come out with us... Dii and I... We are missing you a lot.. And yesterday also we were not able to spend much time together... Plus you don't need to walk..!!! I'll happily carry you around in my arms..!!!
And problem solved now..
So get ready, we're coming to get you in some minutes..!!
Okay.... "
I hear Gracy say as she adds on to my problem.

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