Part 73 - Reaction

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Part 73


Having already expected that such a reaction from her playful husband, Maya decide to tease him back prompted by the conversation about the night Maya got drunk;
" You know..

Someone once told me that if something makes you feel uncomfortable then the best way to get used to it is to just do it all over again till it becomes normal..!!! "

As Maya says that she purposely slides her hand down on his pants and grab his thighs sensually deliberately trying to make her man feel hot and turned on as the man sitting next to her looks at her completely blown away not having expected that his wife will ever do something like this without the help of alcohol..

After having spent so many months with her husband it is no more a secret to Maya that Nicholas always loves teasing her whenever it comes to such matters because he very well knows how much touchy his pretty little wife is regarding the same. And isnt this exactly what Nicholas was trying to do by pretending to not remember the details of that night in an attempt to make Maya say it loud and clear. However by now aware of how her husband's mind and actions work, Maya who wants to stop Nicholas from making fun of her regarding the same. Hence as this idea crops in her mind as the only way for her to render her husband speechless to the extent for him to lose his mind and feel as weird as Maya did is to get even more bolder and tease him even more than him.

" Take it out..!!!
It's high time..!!!
I just wanna do it..!! "
Maya says seductively as she gets on top of her husband as her one hand deliberately keeps massaging Nicholas' thighs.

Bowled over by Maya's initiative at his point, Nicholas is tongue-tied as he no longer knows how to react. Soon enough, Maya moves her face to her husband's and with her soft lips touching Nicholas' earlobe, the mischievious woman said in an enticing way;
" But before we do anything.
Where is our son..???
I dont want him running in here with us in any kind of situation..!! "

Is this really happening..??
Is Maya actually saying all this..??
Well her hand on my leg is very much proof that this moment is really happening.'
Nicholas thinks to himself as he looks the woman smiling on his lap.

As he hears his wife speak again, Nicholas is by now completely turned on manages to reply;
" Hmmm.. Yaaa...
I put him in bed before.. I .. "

Still cutting Nicholas, Maya then proceeded to question him again ;
" And the door..!!
Did you lock the door..?? "

Nicholas nodded in a No as he falls short of words, Maya then says;
" Then what are you waiting for..??

Go and make 100% sure that our son is indeed sleeping and then lock our door on your way in..!!
C'mon.. Move fast now..!!! "

As she says that, Maya moves her body off Nicholas prompting the latter to hurry up and do as she said so that they can then continue being engrossed in each other.

Without needed to be told twice, Nicholas rushed to check whether to Brian only to find the little one in deep sleep after a long day at school and then he ran back to their own room where his wife was waiting for him unaware of her plans to torture him. At this point Nicholas was like a small kid who was promised to be given a candy if he would obey what he's been told to do.

As Nicholas got back and locked the door, still standing with his face towards the door and the thoughts in his mind being unsuitable for kids, he is suddenly caught in a hug from the back as he feels Maya's hands move from his waist to his chest while she kisses his back softly as the woman holds her man close determined to make him feel what she feels with his boldness.

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