Part 26 - Roma Clarke Valentino

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I cried while writing this part. People who can't read violent stories please skip this part.

Part 26

At Gracy's Apartment
At The Night

" Enough of all this Maya..!!
I can't wait any longer..!! During the entire day you've behaving so unlike you..!! First you met your father.. Then Nicholas.. The way you confronted him. And how do you know so much about his parents..? Then again you returned normal in front of our Bunny....
Just say it.. What's going on..?? "
Gracy says as her patience finally reaches its limit.

" I know... I know that today... Today I've been very... Very different..!! But last night some happened that made me start thinking again about everything..!! "
I state the truth.

" And what happened last night..!? "
Comes the most expected and obvious question from Gracy.

" As I already told you, after Nicholas and I had that fight. I was completely blown away by his words. Then I learnt about Roman's depression issues. Well because of that, I just couldn't sleep at all.

And my eyes fell on the diary that I found in my room while I was cleaning it. I had so many things already going on in my mind, so I thought that I'll try to distract myself for a while by reading it. And that's where I made one more big mistake of my life.
After I read what was written in it, I was completely petrified. "
I tell about last night's bad choice that I made.

" But what was in that diary that you're talking like this..!!?? "

" Why don't you read it yourself..?? "
I tell her as I talk that diary out of my bag and give it to her.
As I hand the diary to Gracy, I remember how I opened that diary last night.

Last Night
In Her Room

I get up from the sleeping position and sit on the bed after having spent the last few hours rolling in here in hope of falling asleep. But due to what happened earlier, it seems like sleep has run away from me. I look at the clock as it strikes at half past one in the night. I get out of the bed and walk near the window. I see it snowing outside and the first thing that comes in my mind is last year's Christmas night at Gracy's apartment with just the 3 of us. We had have such a nice and peaceful night. But this year, everything is the complete contrary. Neither we are together nor at peace.

I stand by the window for some time admiring the beauty of that cold night. Then I walk back to the bed spotting the diary that I had earlier placed on the table which l pick up. I settle back in a sitting position on the bed as I put the diary on my lap and talk to it ;
" Well... I know its bad manners but right now no matter how much I try, I'm not going to be able to sleep.. So you're going to keep me company..!! "

I tell the diary as I open the diary's first page. I see a picture in it's first page itself. It's the picture of a young lady who's snap I had also seen in Roman's room on his bedside. I observe at the lady with great care and the more I look at her, the more I get convinced that this woman is Nicholas and Roman's dead mother. Nicholas definitely looks like the younger version of his father but his eyes are just like this woman.. His mother. And Roman.. His eyes are more like his father, but he's got his facial structure from his mother.

I turn the page and read.

Hi diary.
Let me introduce myself to you first. I am Roma Clarke..!! Actually not anymore..!! Now I am Roma Valentino. Yes.. I got married today through my father was not completely happy with my decision, he didn't leave me alone.
I'm starting a new life today with the man I fell in love with. I'm so overwhelmed right now that I can even find the right words to express myself.

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