Part 70 - The Day After

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Part 70


As the sun came up in the sky this beautiful Sunday morning, there is a very homely and peaceful vibe in the Valentino Villa. It's all almost 11 o'clock, Maya and Brian are still in the room deep asleep being completely exhausted by the excitement of the party and what followed afterwards, Nicholas who was taken aback by his wife's actions went to the house gym and is still in there spending more than 10 hours in there exercising and at the same time Roman and Gracy finally entered the villa with the food they brought along for everyone to eat.

Roman and Gracy who also had made their first public appearance together as a married couple likewise spent a very special night together. After Roman's dedicated speech to his pretty wife, Gracy was as overwhelmed as her sister and when Roman took her to the dance floor, time stopped for this couple as well who got lost being together and living this special moment. After Maya and Nicholas, Roman and Gracy who didnt know the exact real reason of them leaving early assumed that because of Maya's legs condition, the family of three left to rest. Roman and Gracy who stayed back continued dancing for some more time till Gracy suddenly felt a little sick and Roman decided to take her to her previous apartment which was closer to the event place than the Valentino villa. Because of the pregnancy, Gracy kept having such reactions which made her feel sick at odd times.

Same happened last night at the party Gracy had overeaten out of excitement and nervousness and when they reached the apartment, Gracy kept throwing for some time. By the time Gracy was better as Roman helped her and took care of her, it was almost past 1 in the morning. Seeing that Gracy was much exhausted and not willing to leave the bed, the couple especially Roman decided it would be best for them to stay back at the apartment itself rather than to return to the villa hence he texted his big brother about the situation.

The expecting couple rested and spent a warm and cozy night together at the apartment as they talked about their child who will be in their arms in a few more months and as everything went good after the horrible vomiting session, Roman and Gracy soon got caught in the moment and made few times as they knew that very soon they will not be able to. Which is also one of the reasons that this couple slept in as well and when they finally woke up they freshened up and got dressed to get back to the villa as Gracy demanded all of a sudden getting restless and uneasy.

As Roman and Gracy stepped in the villa, they expected the elder Valentino couple and Brian to jump on them asking questions about Gracy and the baby but on the very contrary, the entire villa was quiet as a grave. At this instant Roman and Gracy were a little shocked as Sunday morning as everyone is home, they would usually all sleep till 9 or 10 and then have breakfast together after walking up and spend the rest of the day resting, bonding and watching movies in their home theater.

" Greta!! Antonio..??
Where is everyone..?? "
Gracy asked the cook and butler couple in the kitchen as they entered there looking for some sign of life.

To which Antonio replied with a smile;
" Well....
Boss is in the gym along with Wesley.
I think Wesley and Boss are having a bet about something there..

Maya and little Brian are still sleeping I guess since they havent stepped out of their room.!!

I mean Greta went to clean upstairs and Brian's room's door was wide open and he wasnt in there..

I suppose that he must have slept in Maya's room..!! "

Just as Antonio finished talking, they all heard Brian's voice shouting Gracy's name in horror and panic making them all run out concerned for the child who kept screaming Gracy's name.

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