Part 38 - Sloshed Maya

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Part 38


As Nicholas comes out of his washroom after having successfully taken a bath only with a towel slung low on his hips making him look absolutely lethal. Despite the fact that Nicholas could still see Maya dancing celestially in front of him no matter how much he tried but he was not able to block those moments from playing in a loop in his mind.

Standing in front of his wardrobe, Nicholas runs an eye scanning his clothes and is about to take out his clothes for the night to sleep when he hears Maya shouting his name loud in distress. Instinctively the very next moment Nicholas sprints out of his room to see what happened to his wife now.

Nicholas barges in Maya's room having prepared himself for the worst, but very much to his shock, he sees Maya seated on the front edge of the bed with her pajama trouser already on while she struggles to pull her head out of the upper cloth of the pajama.

'' Nicholasssssssss...... Help me... I'm stuck..!!! ''

Maya shouts for help not knowing that her husband had already arrived and is looking at her completely amused at her.

Nicholas walk inside the room as he looks around and see the major changes in there as he had left Maya in her tidy and clean room and now it has not even been 30 minutes that he left her alone here, the woman had managed to bring a complete tsunami in here as the entire room is in a complete mess with her cupboard wide open with some of her clothes hanging out , some thrown all over the room, each and every drawers all open with all of her belongings on top of each other half dangling out.

How the bloody hell did this woman manage to turn this room upside down so quickly??

was all what Nicholas thought while approaching Maya.

'' Someone please helppp meeee.... Main phas gayiiiii (I'm stuckkkkkk)... ''

Maya complains again making Nicholas realize that all this time he has been just standing here and scanning the mess in the room.

'' Waittttt... Stay still... I'll help you..!! ''

Nicholas says as he holds Maya and helps her.

After Nicholas finishes helping Maya in putting on her pajamas, he proceeds to set her wet hair away from her face which makes him realize that water is still dripping from her hairs. So next he knows is grabbing the towel lying on the bed and dry her head as clearly right now she wont be able to do it by herself. As he finishes doing that, Maya moves her hands up to her face as she pushes back the hair on her face which was blocking her view.

As Maya is able to get a better view of the muscular man in front of her, she takes her own time to analyse her husband. Nicholas finds it hard to stay calm as he notices Maya's eyes trailing down the length of his body and then up again. And Maya on the other hand finds it even more harder to control her eyes from lingering on her husband who stood I a towel in front of her and looks at her husband with her mouth open. It was the very first time that Maya had seen Nicholas shirtless like that. Nicholas had the perfect kind of face that would make any girl to stop in her way and go crazy over for.

Nicholas had this disheveled hair, which was thick and glistening.His eyes were like the mesmerising profound sea blue. His facial feature was strong and characterized. His dark eye brows, which inclined downwards in a confused expression. Not to forget those perfect lips of his which had riped for the kissing. His strong hands which earlier had carried her and right now the water droplets trickling down his sculpted torso as he stared deep into her eyes. Maya couldn't help but blush at the pleasant scene as she thought of the half naked man infront of her.

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